True Derelict

Originally Posted by
Thanks, Pete - interesting stuff. So I guess AA is almost like pipe tobacco's "sick period." Is it that the tobaccos need some time to meld, and basically settle into being blended, and the aeration inhibits that?
I think you're selling B short, 'cause I enjoyed it! But I'm looking forward to trying it again in another few weeks to see how it develops. I'll be interested to see how C changes, too, since I liked that one so much already. I may just give D a try this weekend so I can see how it changes, too, then leave it (and A) for 6 months as you say.
First, I'm not going to LIKE or THANK for posts in this thread because they're all good (OK, @Lynn made me laugh and I LIKED
I'm unfamiliar with the term "sick period" but I know the phenomenon. This post (from Puff Forum in 2006 by @Blaylock) explains it pretty well (NC = New Cigar).
Basically the "sick period" that you are referring to is usually gone by the time you buy NCs. Manufacturers usually wait several months and longer, after they are rolled, before sending them to vendors for sale. It is my understanding that Cuban cigars may be shipped much sooner.
Something I found which might be helpful:
"But among manufacturers for the U.S. market, in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and other countries, the length of time between when leaves are harvested and when they are rolled into cigars is longer, sometimes much longer (like in years). This helps reduce the ammoniac element. And there are manufacturers who hold their made and boxed cigars for weeks up to months to provide some in-the-box aging that will further eliminate the ammonia problem. Thus, most – but not all – cigars on U.S. smokeshop shelves have already passed through the problem stage."
Quote from MRN's book on Cuban Cigars:
The “sick period” is marked by the unpleasant smell of ammonia when smelling the cigars. Nee notes that this is due to the continuing fermentation of the leaves once rolled into cigars and will go away as the cigars are ventilated. He believes that for most cigars, “the ammoniac smell will be over 90% gone in a few months, 95% to 99% gone by the end of the first year and practically all gone by the end of the second year.”
The Cigar Boom of the mid 1990s found a lot of product being rushed to market and this became a generic problem. The first 30 days after rolling a cigar is when the taste goes flat (thus holding the made cigars for several weeks - as above). I can't say that this is the problem with the samples but for our purposes, I have no problem calling it Sick Period (SP) or Aeration Affect (AA) since I'm not sure exactly what's going on and they may or may not be the same thing.
I'll refer to Mixture B as either Batch #1 or Batch #2.
Batch #1 was blended several months ago and it was very close to concept but I anticipated that it might smooth too much so I changed the Bright Virginia for Lemon Virginia, that's the only change. My expectation was that the Lemon VA would add some acid, brighter flavor, pick up a couple of important condiments and add a light citrus nuance (not forward note).
Batch #2 is blended with Lemon VA and is the sample that you have. Before re-mixing, and shipping to you, Batch #2 was brighter, a bit lighter and I hoped that it would settle into my desired results. Since the re-mixing it smokes as a bright citrus note and is otherwise flat at this point. I think that some of you have experienced the same. I only have about a few grams of Batch #1 remaining that I must use for control so I can't send it to you (all) or even a single person for comparison, apologies. Same problem with all of the other Mixtures.
I'm smoking Batch #1 now (not what you have). As anticipated it's very smooth and subtle with some primary flavors a touch more muted than desired but it's certainly not flat. Consistent flavor that builds strength throughout the bowl. More nicotine hit than I'd anticipated and very creamy (as desired).
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True Derelict
I took a couple of the "Letter blends" with us on our weekend camping trip.
Blend B has something in it that almost immediately makes my tongue numb. The same thing happened with the Thomas Harriott blend. I assume it is just a body chemistry thing, but I'll let it rest and give it and the Thomas Harriott another try after it rests a while.
Blend C was perfect for an overcast weekend. I rather enjoyed it. I smoked several bowls of this and the Sunbaked Soda City Pete blended. I'll let the rest of Blend C rest a while to see how it evolves.
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Don't listen to this guy!
I seem to be running behind. I've smoked four bowls of A; a MM Cob Legend, two old Brewsters, a Dr. G Savoy in that order. The first couple of bowls started lightly sweet, a little dried fruit (like the jar note) and transitioned into a little spice. The last of the bowl turned acidic and bitey. The third bowl was less sweet and less acidic. I couldn't put my finger on the taste til I read someone saying cigarette. The last bowl had no sweetness, no acid, no bite. That bad cigarette was the official taste of that bowl. Gonna put it away for a while and load some B in a Grand Duke.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
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True Derelict

Originally Posted by
This has been an amazing read for someone who's new to blending, but wanting to soak up as much info as possible. Pete, you're great.
Not to take this off track, but are you sourcing your leaf from one place or a mixture of vendors?
Hi Andy,
Sorry for the delay in response, somehow I missed your post until now.
I buy P&C, C&D and a little from Stokkebye, McClelland and Gawith Hoggarth. I've tried a lot of blenders and have culled to about 25 tobaccos that are in my palate.
I like single varietals more than blends of a particular tobacco type. I do use a blend of Bright Virginia but more often I'll use straight Lemon Virginia. Same with Orientals, where I use no blends and I prefer burley individual varietals when possible.
I look for leaf quality, how it tastes and burns, how well it blends (behaves well), the cut and price.
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True Derelict

Originally Posted by
I seem to be running behind. I've smoked four bowls of A; a MM Cob Legend, two old Brewsters, a Dr. G Savoy in that order. The first couple of bowls started lightly sweet, a little dried fruit (like the jar note) and transitioned into a little spice. The last of the bowl turned acidic and bitey. The third bowl was less sweet and less acidic. I couldn't put my finger on the taste til I read someone saying cigarette. The last bowl had no sweetness, no acid, no bite. That bad cigarette was the official taste of that bowl. Gonna put it away for a while and load some B in a Grand Duke.
Good and accurate comments George.
Mixture A has some Smyrna and that was all I tasted when I tried it yesterday, no Red VA flavor at all. I also tried Mixture C and it's Latakia has faded from prominence and that's partially by design but the other flavors (Virginia most notably) still haven't arrived. Frustrating
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
I've been alternating between the two versions of the blend Pete made up for me. I think I will call this blend 'English Springer Spaniel' because a)I love those dogs b)it's a light English, and c)if Nording can name a blend after a dog than I can too.
I'm not sure which blend is 'mine' and which blend is Pete's take on it. One is in a baggie within a zip lock and the other is just in a zip lock. I think the baggie within a zip lock is Pete's version and I'll try to verify that by going thru my emails on the subject. But with that as the assumption for now...
Neither version is over the top citrusy like I'd hoped. However, neither is overtly floral or earthy so that's a plus.
My version is ok but it's rather 2 dimensional. There is a fleeting, toffee like sweetness that presents itself once in a while about mid bowl but it's very faint and doesn't show itself often. It's more citrusy than floral or earthy but the sample of Pete's own standard English blend that he sent me last year was a far more enjoyable tobacco - far more citrusy too.
Pete's version of the concept is much more complex. There's some Macedonian (I think...) in the mix that must lend a spicy note that my version lacks. Although there's much less yellow VA percentage wise, the blend seems equally citrusy and sweet. So far I like this one better.
Just wanted to post some initial thoughts. I'll post more later.
Last edited by Emperor Zurg; 11-12-2015 at 04:08 PM.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Don't listen to this guy!
Smoked a couple of bowls of B, one in a Grand Duke and one in a Irish Second. The jar note I got was sweet tobacco, raisin and a little spice. The tobacco burned well but has already been said, it was airy with little to no taste. Probably load some C tomorrow night.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
Consummate Pipe Bum
*Blend C
Smoked this a few times in different pipes to get a better sense of it. Opening the bag, the fragrance within reveals the smoky promise of Latakia. Good moisture level, and takes a light easily. At this time I'm smoking it in a MM cob. The flavor of the smoke is mild and creamy, with the Latakia being less noticeable than I'd have expected from the pouch note. I can't really make out what the other component tobaccos are. Produces plenty of smoke with light puffing. Overall impression: It will probably improve if jarred for a few more months. Needs a bit more marrying.
*Blend D
Pleasant smelling in the bag, looks like a blend of about 3 tobaccos, though I can't tell what. On first lighting (in a lovat) I'm picking up the grassy flavor of Virginia flake. Not much sweetness but a bit of spice. There's a richness here, though also a roughness that should smooth out with some aging. Can't be sure but guessing the other components are fire cured and perique? Goes out a lot, and have had to relight several times. Strong puffing risks tongue bite, so one has to puff with a gentle cadence. Halfway through the bowl a hint of bitterness emerges, but just a hint. Overall: pretty good. I will jar the rest a few months and revisit.
*"Stout" Blend
The sticker on the baggie says "(New) Stout, Mix Unfinished." A sniff tells me it is a Latakia blend. Smells really good. Takes a light very well, and initial impression is that it's a solid English, with more flavor than blend C above. There is a bit of sweetness coming through. Took a few relights, but not as much as Blend D. Finished as good as it started with no major changes. I find this one to be ready to smoke now, so I'll probably just finish off the baggie instead of aging it.
"I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley
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True Derelict
Smoking some Mixture B (batch #2) as I write.
The flavors are emerging and it's getting close to what it's conceived to be but it's still a bit aggressive and not as cohesive as the batch that's a couple of months older and spot on.
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rød hals
Smoked a bowl of Autumn Breakfast in a meerschaum today,seems the stoved virginia and the smyrna are coming out more.The burley has decidedly step to the background and the nut flavors are very faint.Still a phenominal smoking expierience for me,I'm still trying to find my niche in the differing blends and mixtures.This mixture ,with a little age on it, has taken on a bit more complexity and robustness. A more bodied smoke that is ,for me, more exciting.Anywho,I'm off to light a bowl of sample "D" now in my OLD-VIC .
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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