Biggest nicotine hit
I've read reviews of Solani 656 Aged Burley Flake gives a big nicotine hit but I haven't tried it. I'm just curious what other pipe tobaccos have high nicotine content or give you a good buzz. I've only had a few, one of which was Obsidian which at the time I didnt care for, but I got a good bit of nicotine from.
Any Samuel Gawith or Gawith & Hoggarth Rope will do the trick.
I like SG Black XX Twist myself. Great hardy taste with a nice N hit.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
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Bummin' Around
I never found ABF to be strong but to each his own.
GQ BurPer Kake was the first tobacco to kind of put me in "you better have a seat behind you because you're falling back now" mode.
C&D Burley Flake #3 has a sneaky nicotine hit that comes up on you through the smoke.
Some honorable mentions are 1792, Irish Flake, Old Joe Krantz and Five Brothers
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AlanS thanked for this post
Bummin' Around
Brandon and Zurg both hit the mark. Whoever thinks ABF gives a big nicotine kick will be overwhelmed by the nicotine content of the listed tobaccos. I used to dip a LOT and understand a good nicotine buzz...and it's definitely there with those blends. I personally don't smoke for a rush like that, I prefer flavor. But when I want a head rush I take a big bite out of some sweet rum twist (or any of the sweet ropes) and chew it. Oooooh its good
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Bummin' Around
TAMBO!!!!! It is some pretty stout stuff, though some of the rope tobaccos are equal or maybe stronger.
Consummate Pipe Bum
Less well known, but a nicotine monster, is Daughters & Ryan Picayune. A nice-tasting shag cut tobacco that sneaks up on you, and before you know it, you're nailed to your chair.
I have tried Brown Bogie, Tambolaka and some of the others. Good and strong but often a bit harsh too. As a simple tobacco goes, the Twist tobacco made by Turkey Foot Trading will turn you green after just a small pinch.
"I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley
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Black Irish XX for sure. First time I tried it I was tripping balls. Might as well have been purple microdot. I may be getting jaded, but IF isn't all that strong to me anymore, and while I would never try it on an empty stomach, Brown Bogie has been tamed by time. I think that pace, diet, and environmental conditions all play a major role in how strong (or not) a blend might present. One of the first times I tried Irish Oak I got a hell of a buzz, but that was after several hours working in a microbiology lab, taking a small and quick lunch, and then moving outside in 90+ degree heat to enjoy the view of scantily clad co-eds prancing around the commons of the university at which I was conducting my research.
On second thought, maybe it wasn't the tobacco....
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I'm not necessarily looking just for the hit, though I do enjoy the feeling. I was just kind of wondering which ones did it for you.
Ruler Of The Galaxy
Originally Posted by
I'm not necessarily looking just for the hit, though I do enjoy the feeling. I was just kind of wondering which ones did it for you.
A few questions;
Do you have any of the Pine Grove left?
Did you like it?
Do you enjoy mild cherry flavors in tobacco?
Are you looking for a bit of a nic hit?
I might have just the thing...
Oh, and your PM box is full