• Altering or customizing a pipe
  • Altering or customizing a pipe

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  1. #1
    Bummin' Around
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    Altering or customizing a pipe

    I’ve been absent from here for a while, not for any reason specifically, mostly laziness. But recently I came across a Radice Rind pipe that was within budget and seemed reasonable. Unfortunately as soon as I got it home I didn’t like it as much. But I figured if I stained it it would look much better. It’s a Pure so it’s raw wood. I’m not a fan. I’ve rehabbed pipes before and made some for myself and others before so I’ve used stains and finishes before.

    My question is this: is it the wrong thing to do? I don’t intend to sell it so I’m not worried about the value dropping.

    I believe I can recall someone posting here that customization and personalization makes a pipe your own but I wanted to make sure I’m not committing a sin here. It is a Holy Week...

    Any insight is welcome.

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  3. #2
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Lol! I'd hardly consider butchering any pipe a sin.

    I do know @Bruck has played around with stain on pipes. Probably @bluenoser too; he's made a few pjpes, he must have fooled around with stains and finishes.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  5. #3
    Indeed so Most indeededly bluenoser's Avatar
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    I've done a few. On the pipes I've made I usually use leather dye diluted in rubbing alcohol. I usually do a good coat in black to pop the grain, sand it lightly, then dye with brown. Finish with bee's wax buffing.

    Way I see it, it's your pipe, and if you aren't happy with how it looks it's yours to change. Post some pics of how it turns out
    "If we never did anything we shouldn't, we'd never feel good about the things we should."

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