• 2016: Summer Tobacco Rotation Thread!
  • 2016: Summer Tobacco Rotation Thread!

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    Lakeland Snot!
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    2016: Summer Tobacco Rotation Thread!

    Just thought it would be fun to start up a place to share your planned/current summer tobacco rotation. Anytime you add something new to your rotation, or completely switch everything out, feel free to post it! Maybe we can inspire each other to try some new things. Plus it is always fun to see what baccy's we are all working through.

    I'll start us out!

    1. Samuel Gawith Kendal Cream Flake: My fave light Lakeland during the warmer times of the year. The burley helps hit the spot.
    2. GH&Co Kendal Flake: My fave heavy Lakeland during the warmer months.
    3. GH&Co Louisiana Flake: A little dark for summer, but it is just so tasty...thanks @NeverBend for ruining my wallet....uhh I mean making my Va rotation better
    4. Solani 656 Aged Burley Flake: Tasty little booger. Nice in the evening after a meal.
    5. C&D Briar Fox: Always a staple for me. Some people find it cigarette-like. I say slow down
    6. Dunhill Aperitif: A nice, lighter English for summer. I like how the Cavendish smooths out the Latakia and orientals.
    7. Samuel Gawith St. Jame Flake: My fave warm weather Va/Per. Sweet, peppery goodness.
    8. Rattray's Red Rapp: Always a staple. Smoke it year round.

    Happy Smokes
    Instagram: Branzig_87

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    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    IDK how to answer this. I don't have a 'rotation' so to speak. Usually if I want a smoke, I just grab something I haven't smoked in a long time. Recently I've been into G&H Sliced Black Twist (also Neverbend's fault) G&H Black Irish X, G&H Sweet Rum Twist, G&H Happy Bogie... see a pattern here? But if someone asked what my 'summer rotation' was - assuming I had a rotation - I probably wouldn't think I'd be smoking high-N blends when it's hot out because they tend to make me sweat like a dog. I'm confusing me; I don't make any sense.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    rød hals Lostmason's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I don't rotate pipes or tobacco.I reach in and grab a jar and thats the smoke of the moment.Choosing a pipe can be trickier,that will depend on my mood or how rough the day was.A really hard day , it will be a cob.Pack and go thing.An easy day,I'll reach for one of my meers and sit back to enjoy the ritual.But anything coming close to a rotation will start with Captain Black white and Virginia Gold Black and gold.It will include Germains Plum Cake.After that it's anybodys guess what my grubbies will find.
    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
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  7. #4
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    I don't have a rotation persay, but I do tend to smoke more straight Virginias in the summer months.

    So there will likely be more Dunhill Flake, FVF, PS Luxury Twist Flake, MacBaren Virginia No. 1 and Orlik Golden Sliced (thought that isn't technically a straight VA) than usual.
    Last edited by Cool Breeze; 06-23-2016 at 03:44 PM.
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

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  9. #5
    Lakeland Snot!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    IDK how to answer this. I don't have a 'rotation' so to speak. Usually if I want a smoke, I just grab something I haven't smoked in a long time. Recently I've been into G&H Sliced Black Twist (also Neverbend's fault) G&H Black Irish X, G&H Sweet Rum Twist, G&H Happy Bogie... see a pattern here? But if someone asked what my 'summer rotation' was - assuming I had a rotation - I probably wouldn't think I'd be smoking high-N blends when it's hot out because they tend to make me sweat like a dog. I'm confusing me; I don't make any sense.
    Then it is safe to say your current rotation is Black Sliced, Black Irish X, Sweet Rum, and Happy Bogie....You vitamin N hound.... Jeeze

    As far as not making any sense, sounds like systems normal here folks

    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post
    So there will likely be more Dunhill Flake, FVF, PS Luxury Twist Flake, MacBaren Virginia No. 1 and Orlik Golden Sliced (thought that isn't technically a straight VA) than usual.
    Looks like a rotation right there to me!

    Just to clarify to everyone, I too will reach for an odd tobacco here and there as well. I think of a rotation more as "what you will spend the majority of your time smoking right now." What I listed are 90% of what I am smoking on the reg. But if Abingdon, Mississippi Mud, Maltese Falcon or some other tobacco that I primarily smoke in the colder weather starts calling me, I am lighting it up
    Instagram: Branzig_87

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    Advisor to Bum Wanabees c.ortiz108's Avatar
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    I foresee smoking at least 4 new Sutliff blends in the near future, thanks to @Tobias Lutz 's contest. Otherwise, I reach for whatever I happen to feel like. I thought I'd be off latakia blends in the hot weather, but not really. Most recently I've smoked Dunhill Flake, Moonshine XXX, Firedance Flake, Boswell's Best, and Sutliff Burma Road. Right now I have a hankerin' for MacBaren Vanilla Cream Flake..... I rarely smoke the same blend twice in a row, but that's something I feel I should change to get to know each blend better.

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    Lakeland Snot!
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    Quote Originally Posted by c.ortiz108 View Post
    I rarely smoke the same blend twice in a row, but that's something I feel I should change to get to know each blend better.
    Smoking the same thing will definitely help you get to "know" a tobacco much better. As well as giving it multiple smokes later on after it has had time to sit around a bit.

    When I get a new tobacco that I haven't tried yet, I will usually smoke 3-5 bowls of it before I review or pass any judgement on it. Durbar is a good example of this. The first 3 bowls of it I though it was dreadful and sour. I was ready to write it off. But around bowl 5 I got the blend figured out....matched with the correct pipe, the right moisture content, and a solid cadence. Now, I think it is really good stuff!
    Instagram: Branzig_87

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    I have a consistent tobacco rotation, and it doesn't vary with the seasons (San Diego has a mild climate year round):

    Dunhill Flake
    F&T Vintage
    Capstan Medium (blue)
    Solani 633 vaper
    F&T Cut Virginia Plug
    Solani 656 burley

    The two Solani tobaccos are new in my rotation (and excellent), and I don't think that I'll be ordering any more F&T Vintage or Escudo.

    I also have some FVF and Wessex Campaign with good age on them that I smoke on occasion. And I try some new-to-me tobacco from time to time.

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    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Shemp Jizzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Branzig View Post
    Then it is safe to say your current rotation is Black Sliced, Black Irish X, Sweet Rum, and Happy Bogie....You vitamin N hound.... Jeeze
    That's pretty much all i smoke plus my rations worth of Tambo now and then.
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    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Branzig View Post
    Just thought it would be fun to start up a place to share your planned/current summer tobacco rotation. Anytime you add something new to your rotation, or completely switch everything out, feel free to post it! Maybe we can inspire each other to try some new things. Plus it is always fun to see what baccy's we are all working through.

    I'll start us out!

    1. Samuel Gawith Kendal Cream Flake: My fave light Lakeland during the warmer times of the year. The burley helps hit the spot.
    2. GH&Co Kendal Flake: My fave heavy Lakeland during the warmer months.
    3. GH&Co Louisiana Flake: A little dark for summer, but it is just so tasty...thanks @NeverBend for ruining my wallet....uhh I mean making my Va rotation better
    4. Solani 656 Aged Burley Flake: Tasty little booger. Nice in the evening after a meal.
    5. C&D Briar Fox: Always a staple for me. Some people find it cigarette-like. I say slow down
    6. Dunhill Aperitif: A nice, lighter English for summer. I like how the Cavendish smooths out the Latakia and orientals.
    7. Samuel Gawith St. Jame Flake: My fave warm weather Va/Per. Sweet, peppery goodness.
    8. Rattray's Red Rapp: Always a staple. Smoke it year round.

    Happy Smokes
    Great post, but I don't know $h!t from Apple Butter what I'll smoke next....
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
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