RyJ 1875 Bully. I've only tossed maybe three sticks, but none as quickly as I tossed this.
God, it was bad.
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RyJ 1875 Bully. I've only tossed maybe three sticks, but none as quickly as I tossed this.
God, it was bad.
About a year ago, a Victor Sinclair 55 Series Red cigarillo. It was like inhaling hot, wet, tar that got so stuck in my lungs I didn't touch another cigar for three days. BTW, I still have nine of 'em left. lol.
Impromptu Holy Grail and the Brickhouse Natural... Ugh
Gurkha Beauty. Literally would not light. Torched the hell out of it and it would not burn.
Hatuey rothschild maduro from their farmers blends. The natural is smokable, but the maduro was just plain foul.
I have to add another that gets praise, but I found to be possibly one of the worst I've ever tried...
JDN Cabinetta. Juan Martinez says it's his go-to smoke, and I love that guy. But to be honest this cigar made my head hurt and tasted like the smoke from burning leaves in your yard. I'd like to try it again and hope it was just a dud, because I absolutely LOVE the Red and the Antano 1970, but wow was that cigar bad.
AB Maxx Brazil - the first one I smoked tasted like I burned the entire cigar in my ashtray, and then threw it in my mouth. I just did not enjoy it at all. The second one I smoked, months later, was much better.
5 Vegas Gold maduro - this has been well documented. I don't even know how many times I relit this thing. Tasted horrible by the end of the cigar. I actually enjoy their classic, gold, and high primings lines. Granted, I smoke most of those as yard-gars, but still.
Acid Kuba Kuba - Ick.
My brother in law gave me a sampler of cigars for Christmas a few years back. One was a Big Butt. I let it sit in my humidor for two or three years because I was so afraid to smoke it. That thing was the most horrible, vile thing I have ever tasted. I don't know how I finished it. I don't know why I finished it.
I agree. It's close, but this stick is my all time icky yuck cigar. (A certain "high end" line is my honorable mention.). Those VS 55s are some shitty tasting cigars. The price is tempting but my one piece of advice to new smokers would be "dont waste your time with Victor Sinclair."