SI has three different grab bags available now! 20, 40, and 60 count. $69 for twenty cigars or $150 for 60 cigars. That’s a lot of smokes folks the forty count is $119
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SI has three different grab bags available now! 20, 40, and 60 count. $69 for twenty cigars or $150 for 60 cigars. That’s a lot of smokes folks the forty count is $119
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Not really "Lately" this box has been lying here unopened since last Year.
Slow getting images.Still wearing the Cello this Afternoon..
The Cigars.
Box Code.
Still have a couple left from the box that came in back on November with this Box Code.
Guess they they don't hang about on the warehouse shelves too long. Not much chance of finding a box with a couple of years age on it.
No dark Yellow or brown Cello,but on the plus side, they've not crumbled to dust yet.
January COTM arrived with a bonus cigar look at that value for $34.95. I'm impressed
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Gone on a wild buying spree.
Keep thinking that it's time Tat like.
Been some sort of long time since Meself burnt a Surrogate so time to get some uv dose.
Giving them a little time to warm up before lit up.
Coming soon to a shop near you?
New Monster release
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Corona prerelease sold out. Shoud hit other retailers soon. Interesting tidbit: Tat licensed his name and likeness from the family this time around. (Not my picture)
Not a purchase by me but a friend who went on vacation - a sweet little box of Cohiba cigarillos
and before you think these may not be real - they are the authentic "Vainilla" flavor Cohiba is known for.....
LOL - jealous, aren't ya
My box is empty much like my head. Small Batch has one I can get for $113. List is $198
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