These landed today, probably burn one after dinner
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These landed today, probably burn one after dinner
Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Not even three AM and already I'm the only Bum here. Could post pix of Order received before Noon today.
too lazy to do so now. Just want to say that that a most heartfelt thank you is due to My old Pal Smokin Monkey for his very much appreciated and successful efforts in tracking down the location some wheres in space (or in Captain Jack's Hideout in the Joisey Meadows)where the alien pirates were holding these cigars for ransom.
Edit: Would really be amiss if I didn't at the very least post a picture of my good pal Smokin' Monkey...jest lookit that radiant smile!
I'll add a trash panda to our menagerie.
I don’t believe I mentioned that Smoke Inn offers discounts on purchases that you find and like in their Cigar Of the Month club
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Here's the incentive..
Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Thanks to Smokin' Monkey's rescue oeration on the shady side of the Moon these came in at 11:39 AM on Tuesday.
Note that when them couple uv couplin creatures of the Swedish persuation take break theres a Coniferous tree handy for pissing on.
Hav tooken a close look.
Still confuses. Had an idea somehow releated to numbertogy, 6 & 9. Seein as how thems are Swedish, not Chinese so not Ying Yang.
Postativ if had Me a (botul) ov Cloud Berry liqueur I 'd figger thet puzzzil out, mebbe. Certinlee Lakka Lapponia Cloudberry Liqueur is the bestest way to hexplain them Don Keys shenanigans.
All it wood take is sum ov the Lapponia Cloudberry Lic to oil tha relays in Me brain then wunce them relays run without droppin the baton all'd be kleer.
Back to Normal, wiothout all of that time travel. Plus less risk of falling into the hands of the B&M Gs
That's right no risk of Monkey Pox (latest add on "Gift" from B&M Gs )
Ordered, Shipped Received as normal
USPS package #9405516901121987694140
Welcome | USPS
Delivered: Fri, May 19, 11:15 AM
Delivery truck
In transit
May 19 11:15 AM Belmar, NJ, United States Delivered, front door/porch
May 19 7:51 AM Belmar, NJ, United States Out for delivery
May 19 7:40 AM Belmar, NJ, United States Arrived at post office
May 18 5:55 PM Lehigh Valley, PA, United States Shipment received, package acceptance pending
May 18 5:15 PM Bath, PA, United States Shipping label created, USPS awaiting item
Data from
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Ya gotta admit this is a substanshul improvement compared to the USPS info below.
USPS package #92748902712120573002994555
Welcome | USPS
Delivery truck
In transit
Apr 28 4:00 PM Bath, PA, United States Picked up by shipping partner, USPS awaiting item
Apr 28 3:18 AM Smyrna, TN, United States Arrived shipping partner facility, USPS awaiting item
Apr 26 12:00 AM Pre-Shipment info sent to USPS, USPS awaiting item
Data from
Or this:
USPS 92748902712120573002128691
In transit
May 11 6:09 PM Avenel, NJ, United States Arrived shipping partner facility, USPS awaiting item
May 11 5:39 PM Bath, PA, United States Picked up by shipping partner, USPS awaiting item.
Ordered on the 18th arrived today the 19th. Quick delivery.
Warped Eagles Descent Toro Especial Box of 25.
Top of Box.
Bottom of Box.
The Cigars.