Just came back in. This is the second order to arrive today. For once posting an image without a long delay.
These weren't shipped from overseas, just thought the Jacket makes a nice background for the smokes.
Back when athletes from the Soviet Union wore uniforms with the CCCP on them the lifters were required to show them when they returned from competitions abroad. No excuses no allowances for coming back without the uniforms. Authorities were very strict in enforcing this. They did not want to see pictures of those CCCP uniforms in worn by a criminal in foreign news. Once the Shah was gone from Iran. The same rule applied to the uniforms worn by Iranian athletes. If a team member lost, gave away or sold a team uniform they would be dropped from the team and barred from competing or training. This outfit was given to me as gift by an Iranian National coach who had been a gold medalist at both European,World and Olympic games. A gesture of friendship that I really appreciate.