I didn't notice it the first time I saw this Tom but is that Camacho a candela ?
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Caught the tail end of a holts flash sale last week. Not bad for $4 a cigar.
And yes that is a candela camacho that Tom got @WNYTONY I have one if you want it...https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...9c2866d8da.jpg
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This weekend I went to the Rocky Mountain Cigar festival and purchased a few cigars. These are just the box purchases not the samplers. Attachment 7176Attachment 7177Attachment 7178Attachment 7179Attachment 7180
@Old Smokey . By the looks of it, I'd say @Kacey could be storing them in his own cigar store. Well done.
Nope not a single thing. :biggrin:
Depends on the cigar. Some go in tupperdors, others into winedors others into Humidors. RP Cigars , Nish Patel Actually, gave me a new 100ct humidor which I have seasoning. I will need to do some re-organizing because I was bombed last week on another fora, and some of my back orders came in so I have a lot of cigars looking for a home.
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@Old_Smokey No I don't like people that much. I may do distribution. :)
Nope not a single thing. :)
Depends on the cigar. Some are in Tuperdors, others in Humidors, yet others in a Winedor. So what I use depends on how long I intend to let it sit and rest.
@TCBSmokes not a store, I don't like people that much. I may do cigar distribution due to the fun nature of Oregon laws on Tobacco. Need to look at the numbers, to make sure I can make a profit and drive down costs.