Muestra de Saka
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Muestra de Saka
Stopped in to the other B&M in town on my way home today. I really need to not go in those places. Been wanting to try that Joya Black and they finally had some. The rest just fell into my hands.
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My latest pickups
Sorarie...thet hain't pursicely wot ...
Best jus leave orf a it.
Les see no, the quiestion were 'Whys th Super accountant keep his hans in his pockets (on odd time he's wearing pants)
Wal yermite a noted lak as how they's consternt motion back an fore them times.
His Excellency Sir. Dog Rockets bein a fo shure hands on gent.
His Excellency Sir. Dog Rockets hands are movin full speed.
. On His abacus.
Whoa. Ah specks Y'all dun asked th wrong question foer my answear.
Like ta beth reasoaabul yer doan knows bout thet molestikin by Wimmin on mans hands is dew ta yer knot havin fust sekon er forth hand speiense of hit.
Sen Smokin Monkey's Girlfriend haint much inter four plying...prefurs gittin right ta the meat a the thang, er meaty thang, yer knows how thet be.
Edit: Mos du fergits mah mannners...
Kine lee giv mah bestests rgardard tew.
Yore pal, Smokin Monkey.
An tew...
Smokin Monkey's Sweet Lil Girlfriend...lookie at thet big ole Smile.