Extremely nice setup and lots of storage in temperature and rh controlled winedors.
Fortunately, I don't live anywhere that I have to worry about controlling the temperature as my room at the veterans home facility stays at a pretty constant 68deg year round without even using my heat or a/c, just from the well climate controlled building my room is in.
Only have to worry about rh since Wyoming is pretty dry year round, but Bovedas in tupperdors keeps perfect rh for me.
I love the glass fronts on a cabinet, endtable, tupperdor or winedor, as I enjoy being able to see my cigars, especially with the amount of money tied up in them, lol
Really wish the glass door, 6ftx6ft, cabinet humidor on a large base with 2 small cabinets and several drawers in the roughy 4ftx6ft base it sits on I built out of a used, 1970's curio cabinet here. It was fun to convert, and cheap and easy to do and worked perfectly. .
Unfortunately it's in a storage unit 6hrs away with all the other contents of the house I was renting, and really would just take up to much space if it even fit at all, in my relatively small room at the veterans home.
Plus I doubt I could get a rule exception for it, as we aren't allowed to store anything on the floor, or have any additional furniture, especially if it encroaches on the bed, as we are required to have enough room to get a stretcher in, in the event something happens. It took repeated requests to be able to have my two 74qt containers in the corner of the room since I proved to them it didn't interfere with getting a stretcher in.
How many cigars do yours hold?
Did you add the drawers yourself, or are they one of the custom made winedors?
Regardless, very nice setup and i assume, stash inside.
I image you spent some serious coin for them, as I have looked at stock winedors, and custom made ones just for fun, and they quite expensive, but I understand that in some environments they are very necessary and you just have to bite the bullet to protect your stash.
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