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  1. #71
    Royal Bum Brimy's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by penna stogey View Post
    Yes, I know....didn't we learn from 1918????History teaches us of our mistakes...well now?
    That's why we need to at least maintain "social distancing" a while longer. Yes we need to find a way to restart the economy, but not at the expense of lives.

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    Royal Bum
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brimy View Post
    That's why we need to at least maintain "social distancing" a while longer. Yes we need to find a way to restart the economy, but not at the expense of lives.
    Things are very different in areas of our country. All places aren't like D.C., NY and NJ. Take my town for example, 50,000 people and a total of 7 people had Covid19 and all have recovered with zero deaths. It been over 2 weeks since a new case. We don't need to be shut down, social distancing as best possible yes, but people need to work and businesses need to be open.
    I don't think the people in NY would close down if we had the CV19 and they didn't. No offense to anyone, but 95% of the country is not like the populated NE, nor do they pack into trains and subways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Smokey View Post
    Things are very different in areas of our country. All places aren't like D.C., NY and NJ. Take my town for example, 50,000 people and a total of 7 people had Covid19 and all have recovered with zero deaths. It been over 2 weeks since a new case. We don't need to be shut down, social distancing as best possible yes, but people need to work and businesses need to be open.
    I don't think the people in NY would close down if we had the CV19 and they didn't. No offense to anyone, but 95% of the country is not like the populated NE, nor do they pack into trains and subways.
    But that is known cases how many of the 50k were tested?

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  7. #74
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by josh lucky 13 View Post
    But that is known cases how many of the 50k were tested?
    I'd say who cares. Even if there were hundreds of cases, if they weren't feeling sick enough to seek medical attention and it's been a couple weeks since anyone has then there is no reason to keep everyone locked away in their homes. The elderly and others who are high risk (diabetics, obese, COPD, etc) should still be careful but the young and healthy have little to fear it would seem. I think the biggest mistake in all of this is treating everyone the same and treating every area of the country or state the same as those with the higest risk and the biggest infection.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  9. #75
    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    I'd say who cares. Even if there were hundreds of cases, if they weren't feeling sick enough to seek medical attention and it's been a couple weeks since anyone has then there is no reason to keep everyone locked away in their homes. The elderly and others who are high risk (diabetics, obese, COPD, etc) should still be careful but the young and healthy have little to fear it would seem. I think the biggest mistake in all of this is treating everyone the same and treating every area of the country or state the same as those with the higest risk and the biggest infection.
    Many are asymptomatic but still contagious. This is why its spreading so fast.

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    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by josh lucky 13 View Post
    Many are asymptomatic but still contagious. This is why its spreading so fast.
    True. That's why those who are vulnerable to this virus should still be careful. However it would be best IMO to let it run its course thru the young and healthy so they can get it and get over it. There's no vaccine. The only vaccine is getting it and getting better. Once that happens the virus won't be able to pass person to person so easily until it finds someone it can kill. Might a few otherwise healthy people die? Maybe. But people die in traffic accidents too and we don't take every car off the road.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  13. #77
    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brimy View Post
    1918 thru 1920.
    Came of of quarantine too early and it escalated again.
    Population was only 500 million!
    Hopefully our medical and hygiene practices have changed some in one hundred plus years!
    Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.

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    Royal Bum
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    At this point destroying the economy and businesses will likely cause more deaths and have a longer adverse effect than Covid19. We know much more about 19 than we did a couple of months ago. So let's focus on protecting those people. We did a terrible job of protecting the weak and elderly in nursing homes and long term care facilities which account for nearly half of the Covid deaths.

    Personally I would rather take my chances with getting and surviving Covid than feeling ruined, hopeless and unable to feed, house and take care of my family. That hopelessness kills and destroys thousands of lives, including family members.

    They wanted us to stay home to round the curve so hospitals weren't overwhelmed. We did that and 99.9% of hospitals were never overwhelmed. That curve rounding happened a few weeks ago most everywhere. At this point we are just loosing our freedoms and civil liberties. So why are so many still staying home?

    IMO, it's time to fire up the Great American economy before it's too late. We can do it safely to minimize risk. But it's time to go to work.

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    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    We all heard about the nice young Doctor in NYC that was on the verge of a cure. Well I’ll be damned he took a bullet in the head one in the throat and another in the chest. His research ended. Oops
    Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.

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  19. #80
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans CentralTimeSmoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    True. That's why those who are vulnerable to this virus should still be careful. However it would be best IMO to let it run its course thru the young and healthy so they can get it and get over it. There's no vaccine. The only vaccine is getting it and getting better. Once that happens the virus won't be able to pass person to person so easily until it finds someone it can kill. Might a few otherwise healthy people die? Maybe. But people die in traffic accidents too and we don't take every car off the road.
    As of right now, there's no solid evidence that once you get COVID-19 you're then immune to it forever. It's an extremely complex corona virus that's unparalleled in modern history. They've already discovered that the one rampaging through the US is actually different than the one that started in Wuhan. So it's mutating. The whole idea of herd immunity isn't really backed by science. And to be completely honest, I'm one of those "young and healthy" and I don't want to be used as an experiment. Tons of young people who don't have any underlying medical issues have died alone in a hospital fighting this disease.

    I know it's frustrating for all of us. None of us want to be living like this. But personally, I'm not ready to sacrifice mine or my family's health for the sake of the economy. And the idea that a recession is worse than the potential effects of this disease is false. 250,000 people have already died worldwide. Unless we continue to practice extreme caution, we're talking millions dead. At its current rate, it's essentially like having a 9/11 body count every single day. The models are truly terrifying. And thank god, we were able to slow the spread and it hasn't been as bad. And the fact that it hasn't hit your community hard is a miracle, and shows that this kind of precaution needs to continue.

    That doesn't mean that we need to be completely shuttered, but we need to maintain extremely strict social distancing and occupancy limits, make millions more tests available and track cases carefully. Unfortunately, this is our new normal for the foreseeable future.

    I don't care where you land on the political spectrum, but I hope we can all agree that we should be listening to doctors and public health officials instead of politicians going forward. No matter the letter after their name, they're all looking out for their own interests, IMO. Which means they don't care about the lives of you or me.
    Last edited by CentralTimeSmoke; 05-06-2020 at 11:33 AM.

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