Bummin' Around
How About Them Man-o-War Ruinations?
Finally ordered a fiver of these from CI...looks like they are a CI house brand made by AJ Fernandez, and oh yeah, I be a fan of AJF...Any thoughts out there about these from the masses? I ordered the 5.7X56 Belicoso...normally I go all in for a box, never had a bad experience, but this time, I held off, just got the five pack. The reviews overall seem very positive, but I throw this out there for maybe even more candid thoughts...Thanks, folks!
Wow, Someone Knows Me
I have always like the Man O War line. It has never seemed very complex just solid construction and even flavor and body all the way through.
There is an art to bombing. My aim is to perfect that art.
Bummin' Around
Not a fan. I remember when they first were released years ago and they were fairly decent. No longer however.
Greed Is Good....Poverty Sucks. Take My Word For It.
Can't comment on the more recent ones but I had quite a few a couple years ago. Decent, but not a "Wow" cigar. For the price they were good.
Picked up quite a few in sample packs that had others I was more interested in.
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Bummin' Around
Thanks for your ideas, folks! I'll report back after they arrive on Wednesday!
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Resident Perdomo whore
I love them. Just got 2 boxes of the War Horse size a month ago. Smoked one of them last night and was not disappointed. The regular man o war line does nothing for me, but the ruination and puro authentico maduro are a couple of my favorites when it comes to budget friendly smokes. I tried a dark horse yesterday as well and thoroughly enjoyed it too.
"You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, YOU'RE the asshole.
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Custom User Title
I dig the ruinations. They're on my get more of list.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I like the Ruination line myself. The WarHorse is very good IMO.
If you like AJ and want something more complex, the New World line is something I was fond of.
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Hairy Cigar Fairy
I am a fan of the Man O' War line, but the ruination does not do it for me. Then again I know plenty of people who like them. I think a fiver is a safe bet.
Ruination is a personal favorite, and I am a big AJ fan as well. In the value department hard to beat Diesels and man o wars for full flavor cigars.