One reason I always bring a second, back up stick. You never know, even the best can be bad.
Though I have to say I'm a little surprised. I thought pretty much every major manufacturer used those little suck machines to gauge the airflow before they put the caps on.
It's not a real hobby unless it interferes with your work.
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Back from Ban Land
Originally Posted by
I'm kinda surprised that that so many people have had tat issues. I've had 170-200 or so tats and have not had a single bad draw or issues with construction. Luck maybe?
I think this has to do with smoking rott most of the time, I know you like to let your stuff sit for a while first.
I've had then plenty of times, 75% acclimation issues, 25% construction
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straight bummin it
Originally Posted by
I think this has to do with smoking rott most of the time, I know you like to let your stuff sit for a while first.
I've had then plenty of times, 75% acclimation issues, 25% construction
Now that makes more sense to me. As it is, 95% of anything I smoke seems to smoke well.
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