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  1. #21
    Wow, Someone Knows Me UncleFesterESQ's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Seems like I picked a bummer of a day to re-visit the site... Damn.
    Mr. Simpson, don't you worry. I saw an episode of Matlock in a bar last night. The sound was down, but I think I got the gist of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rodwha View Post
    "Nobody is rolling blunts with their Padron wrappers."

    Wait, what, nobody else is using a quality Churchill to roll up a quarter?
    You never know I guess. I shouldn't belittle the high class stoners.
    "Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
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    Go Vols!

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    Bummin' Around Merovius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DLtoker View Post
    However, this maybe just what we needed to reign in Guhka's absurdly extensive line of cigars.
    I lol'ed

    I was fairly certain this would have a few hurdles to go over but it looks pretty bad for the little guy. Reading some of the comments from the talking heads at the FDA, its pretty clear what this is really about.

    Could be pretty ugly.

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    True Derelict Usafvet509's Avatar
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    Make sure you contact your representatives, tell them that we won't accept the FDA overreaching. They will be reined in, or the reps will go home, plain and simple
    "I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed tonight." - C.H. Spurgeon

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    Bummin' Around Yarddog's Avatar
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    ...and y'all thought Orwell's '1984' was fiction...

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    Lakeland Snot!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Usafvet509 View Post
    Make sure you contact your representatives, tell them that we won't accept the FDA overreaching. They will be reined in, or the reps will go home, plain and simple
    Every time I have ever contacted my state rep about something tobacco related, all I get is a lame, generic "fill in the blank" letter sent to me. The letter is so cheesy that it's offending.

    "Dear Mr. Branzig,

    Thank you for contacting me on this very important topic! As your state rep it is wonderful to hear from you! I will work delegently to look into and solve this for you! Thanks for contacting me! Help you never!"

    When it comes to tobacco, you lose. I'm honestly surprised it took them this long. Plus dope is the new revenue maker. The more they can push legalized Marijuana the better. Keep the kids off cigs, get them on weed. The tax is higher.

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  13. #27
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Branzig View Post
    Every time I have ever contacted my state rep about something tobacco related, all I get is a lame, generic "fill in the blank" letter sent to me. The letter is so cheesy that it's offending.

    "Dear Mr. Branzig,

    Thank you for contacting me on this very important topic! As your state rep it is wonderful to hear from you! I will work delegently to look into and solve this for you! Thanks for contacting me! Help you never!"

    When it comes to tobacco, you lose. I'm honestly surprised it took them this long. Plus dope is the new revenue maker. The more they can push legalized Marijuana the better. Keep the kids off cigs, get them on weed. The tax is higher.
    Branzig! Where u bin?!?
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  15. #28
    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.

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    The Guido Squad Ciro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodwha View Post
    I read a good portion of it but am at a loss for what exactly this means for cigars. About all I got is a large warning sticker.
    @rodwha , I pulled this from goes into a little more detail.

    FDA will regulate cigars of all shapes, size, origin and flavor. In brief terms, cigars will be divided into three categories:

    Pre-2007 — Any cigar marketed prior to Feb. 15, 2007 is grandfathered and FDA can only impose certain restrictions on these products. Manufacturers will still be required to put warning labels that cover 30 percent of two main parts of the box and will be banned from giving free samples. They will also likely need to submit a document with a list of ingredients. Manufacturers will not have to receive any sort of approval from FDA about these products.
    Post-2007 — Any cigar that is introduced on the market after Feb. 15, 2007, but before the rule goes into effect (Aug. 8, 2016) will be able to remain on the market for at least two years. After two years it will be subject to the same warning label requirements, but manufacturers will have to submit the product to FDA for approval. The cost of this remains unknown (see below).While FDA is reviewing the application, manufacturers will be allowed to sell these products until FDA rejects their applications. Alternatively, manufacturers could choose to keep these products on the market until this time 2018 and then ultimately decide not to submit for FDA approval to avoid paying the fee. However, they would not be able to reintroduce the product to market without getting pre-approval from FDA.
    Post-Rules — After Aug. 8, 2016, a manufacturer will have to submit any new products for approval before they are allowed to enter the market. This would likely include any products that were introduced between Feb. 15, 2007-Aug. 8, 2016; but failed to apply within two years of the rule being introduced.
    Walk-in humidors, internet sales and flavored cigars will all remain the same for now. Consumers will still be able to walk into a humidor, pick up and smell a cigar; however, they will not be able to be given a free sample by either a retailer or manufacturer.

    Barring a lawsuit where a court grants an injunction or congressional action before Aug. 8, these rules will go into effect. A handful of initial takeaways.


    If there was any good news from the document, FDA extended the implementation period from the original 30 days to 90 days. This means the rules will not go into effect until after the 2016 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show, which takes place in late July.

    The trade show will be crazy.

    Barring any changes, this will be the last trade show where new products can be introduced without approval from FDA and I expect that we will see a record-setting amount of new products.

    There doesn’t appear to be any rule that says you have to ship a certain amount of product before Aug. 8, 2016, so expect a lot of manufacturers to introduce a lot of new products before that date and then slowly release it to the market. As long as those products end up at one retailer prior to Aug. 8, that product will likely meet the requirement. These products are not entirely grandfathered–anything introduced after Feb. 15, 2007 will need to apply for FDA approval within two years or be removed from market–but introducing product now, even with a two-year lifespan, will be far more cost effective than introducing it on Aug. 9 and waiting for FDA approval.

    It’s unclear what halfwheel will look like after August of this year, the amount of new product will come to a screeching halt barring any changes. FDA will have the ultimate authority of what products are allowed into the market and it’s unclear why they would have any incentive to respond to applications in a timely manner.


    Going into today the obvious question was what will FDA do. But the second largest question was if FDA chose to regulate premium cigars, how would it do it. Many parts of that answer remain unclear.

    The document appears to show no outline on pricing for FDA submission or if the agency has any estimated turnaround time. Rumored numbers have been floated since April 2014, but none of those numbers seem particularly grounded in fact and FDA itself has said that it would likely use a different set of numbers and procedures depending on the product type, something it reiterated today.

    Once the document outlining costs and the actually submission and approval process is published, we will know a lot more about whether both newer and smaller brands have a realistic shot of continuing to grow their business and whether new cigars will be able to be introduced.


    In the draft of the document published today, FDA said it did not intend on eliminating the sale of cigars over the internet or of flavored tobacco—and it made good on that promise. Retailers will be required to ask for ID for any individual they believe to be under 26, but it’s unclear based on today’s document whether that will apply for internet sales—it would appear it will not.

    FDA oddly seems less concerned with outlawing internet cigar sales. It remains unclear whether the agency could actually do so, particularly with some Congressional precedent set by the PACT Act, but at least for today, internet sales go on.

    For flavored cigars, today is not the end, but FDA has announced that it intends on banning “characterizing flavors” from all tobacco products in the future. No timetable has been set on this, but the fight over “characterizing flavors” will be much more than simply ACID, Java and Tatiana—that fight will include Swisher, White Owl and potentially menthol.


    Whenever the embargo gets lifted, Habanos S.A. will now need to apply as a new product before its portfolio of Cuban cigars can be sold in U.S. humidors.

    Depending on the speed at which FDA decides to approve applications, this could mean that even if the embargo is lifted on Jan. 1, 2019 (just a random date) it might be years before they are legally able to be sold in humidors. The rule is clear that the products must be marketed in the U.S. prior to Feb. 15, 2007, something Cuban cigars cannot legally claim status to.


    Congress hasn’t been the most productive place in the world. Now it’s the likeliest savior for the cigar industry.

    While lawsuits are certainly coming and injunctive relief might be granted, it’s an expensive and unclear path to victory. Oddly, a Congress that has been fairly inept at passing much of anything might be the premium cigar community’s best hope.

    Last month, the House Appropriations Committee passed a draft of its FY2017 agriculture bill. In it were two provisions that would directly affect today’s rule. One would exempt premium cigars from FDA regulation, the other would change the grandfather date to Aug. 8, 2017. The latter is going to be controversial, particularly because it would also grandfather in almost all of the e-cigarette industry, and anti-tobacco advocates have already seized on it as a major issue.

    Exempting premium cigars is less controversial and the hope now for cigar smokers must be that cigar-friendly members of Congress fight to keep the language in the final version of the bill.

    Unfortunately for cigar smokers, it’s more likely than not that the final bill will not be voted on until after August. It is possible that the rules go into effect in August and then Congress passes a bill with exemption language, meaning the rules were temporarily enacted and then suspended. The good news is, the Agriculture Bill must be voted on at some point, because otherwise agencies like FDA have no funding; the bad news is it’s probably not going to happen until after the November elections.

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    This is all ridiculous and obviously ought not to include premium cigars.

    Contents: Tobacco.
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