DLtoker agrees! :blockhead:
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I'm guessing more details are still to come but yea this is the biggest part of all this that seems clear as of now. Giant warning labels aren't that big a deal.
One of the things I'm interested in that hasn't and probably won't get brought up is how leaf is cased and processed. It could be as simple as some rum and a little pineapple but they could also be using a slew of things most wouldn't want anything to do with. If regulation is going to force them to reveal if leaf is getting anything other than DW then it may be somewhat of a silver lining. Still doesn't excuse the rest of the BS though.
To a small degree I can understand the argument for regulation of vaping/e-cig products as they are a new industry and who the hell knows what goes into some of them. Full disclosure, I don't vape, I don't plan to ever take it up. How that's related to premium cigars I have no idea. Cole is right, there may be a benefit to the companies having to disclose their processes but it should be left at that. Let consenting adults make their own decisions.
I don't vape either, but my wife does. Some regulation and disclosure would be a good thing but what has been proposed by this would essentially only leave the big corporations left in that industry. And by big corporations, I mean the ones owned by the tobacco companies. There are dozens of small businesses in most cities that make and sell their own custom blends that would suddenly be forced to close shop because they cannot afford the FDA requirements.
Even if a submission was only$5000, with the way it is currently laid out as I understand it they would have to submit each flavor and nicotine level seperately. So for most places thats $45000 per flavor. Bear in mind the only difference between nicotine levels is how much of a nicotine concentrate they add. The local my wife uses has 40 flavors. Thats $1.8 million total, using an absurdly low nuber per submission.
Every aspect of this for cigars and vaping is a combination of cash grab and nanny state bs to appease the angry ignorant.
It's going to really suck a$$ if the number of boutique brands on the market drops drastically and prices sore. If you haven't yet, go to the CRA website and fill out the petition letters. This will send letters to your senators and local rep. Not sure how much it will actually achieve, but every little bit helps.
Exactly. Just be up front and let people make their own choices from there.
Thats the sad part of it all. I think most people are all for a little more transparency and appropriate regulation but this is likely big business pulling their shady antics instead of the type of change real people are willing to stand behind at the end of the day.