I've had the whole taste bud change thing happen to me before. when that happened, I ended up wandering to smoking pipes. now that my taste buds are back I spend even more money on tobacco stuff than i really should.
This always happens to me a day or two before I get sick, which happens a lot more often with a toddler in the house now. You said you're not getting sick, but maybe the changing weather and humidity are bringing on an allergic/asthma-type reaction which can definitely cause your tastes to change.
Either way, I'd recommend taking a week or two off and trying again.
"You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
"He fixes her cable?" - The Dude
"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey." - Maude
Don't despair, seems a lot of folks here go through bad spells, and that's all they turn out to be, just spells.
I think the weather may be at play, because I too am finding old favorites, and by old I mean from just last summer, now falling kind of flat. Not harsh like you are experiencing, but for me too, think it is just a spell. Good luck.
I would add some scotch to that water,,Always makes my sticks taste better..other than that I would keep an eye on the RH such as has been mentioned and pray for an early spring.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
Happened to me once and the only thing that helped was to give my tastebuds a long rest. It was tough but after a week my cigars never tasted so good.