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    Bummin' Around Yarddog's Avatar
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    Southern Draw Ceegars

    I happened across a review of the Southern Draw Firethorn stick a month or two back, and learned that two folks, Sharon and Robert Holt, had teamed with the AJ Fernandez firm to produce three lines of sticks...the Kudzu (full bodied, box pressed), the Firethorn (medium to full), and Quick Draw (little fellers, two different options of wrappers). The Holts were combining their passion for cigars with the Southern lifestyle and courtesy intrinsic of those old school folks who live in the American South.

    Intrigued, I ordered a sampler of all three lines and began following their journey. I ordered the sampler on a Friday, they arrived on Monday, and were accompanied by a very nice personal email and a few days later, a hand-written note! How nice it is to deal with folks who will take the extra step! Now, I admit, as their company grows, that may not be practical, but it sure got my attention!

    Along about this same time, out of curiosity, I bought a Liga Privada #9 and a Padron 1926. Both were supposed to be top of the line sticks, and they were...and I smoked the cigars in the sampler and these within the next few days. Although the two so-called super premium sticks were just that, I gotta me, all of the Southern Draw cigars were just...hmmm, how you say?...better! And for a third of the money for the Padron, half the money for the Liga Privada!

    Now, I admit to one and all that I don't have a sophisticated's like either 'Yep, this is pretty good'...or 'Well, it's okay but I like others better'...or 'El Ropo'. I can't discern things like 'during the second third of the cigar, elements of cornholio convert to butthole, with tingy little hints of corn nuts' and crap like that...I mean like, who gives one red rip? But, cigar reviewers gotta say something I reckon!

    With these, all I thought was 'I really like these cigars' and 'I really like these folks I'm dealing with'. Nope, I'm not associated with the company, and I've never personally met the Holts, but I do like their style...and their product. And I just ordered a bundle of Firethorns, and when it's in the budget, there will be a bundle of Kudzus as well. The little Quick Draws? Well, I'm not a small ceegar type of dude...I like the 60 ring gordos.

    They have a great website, I suggest y'all go take a peek...a sampler is only $35.00. Right now, their B&M's are mostly in Tejas, with only one currently in my state, California...but I don't care, it's easy enough to order via the net.

    That is all!

  2. #2
    Royal Bum
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    Is that $35 for 3 cigars?

  3. #3
    Who else would it be?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Smokey View Post
    Is that $35 for 3 cigars?
    Looks to be $35 for 5 cigars. They have a few other samplers as well.

  4. #4
    Bummin' Around Yarddog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardheaded View Post
    Looks to be $35 for 5 cigars. They have a few other samplers as well.
    Yes...five ceegars. One Kudzu, one Firethorn, three Quick Draws.

  5. #5
    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarddog View Post

    Now, I admit to one and all that I don't have a sophisticated's like either 'Yep, this is pretty good'...or 'Well, it's okay but I like others better'...or 'El Ropo'. I can't discern things like 'during the second third of the cigar, elements of cornholio convert to butthole, with tingy little hints of corn nuts' and crap like that...I mean like, who gives one red rip? But, cigar reviewers gotta say something I reckon!
    LMAO, Well said!

  6. #6
    Lonely Wandering Bum Joe k's Avatar
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    My b&m has been carrying them for a few months, I've tried the Kudzu a few times, it would say it's a decent cigar give it a try if you haven't tried one.

  7. #7
    will bum for cigar Demuths1770's Avatar
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    damn wish a B&M near me had them may have to order the sampler and give one to the local shop to try!!
    Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns

  8. #8
    Bummin' Around Yarddog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demuths1770 View Post
    damn wish a B&M near me had them may have to order the sampler and give one to the local shop to try!!
    When my bundle arrives, I'm gonna take one of them up to Matt at Santa Barbara Cigar, give it to him, and suggest that he order a box or two and talk 'em up...if he likes them, of course, and/or believes that they will be a viable hit in SB...I think they will, since many of the trust fund babies in SB are 'boutique oriented', and a small cigar company just starting out will intrigue them! Or, in lieu of that, those who just enjoy a fine cigar, like myself, will buy them just for a nice, relaxing smoke!

    There are a couple of cigar stores here in the local area, but I am not as comfortable with the ownership...nonetheless, I may do the same, because selfishly, it would be great to have a local B&M who stocks these! The rub is, as always, is that for a cigar just arrived in a shop to get any legs, it has to be talked up by the staff. Otherwise, the cigars just sit on the shelf, passively waiting for someone to take them home. As with any business, the success of a line of goods depends on the willingness of the ownership and staff to push it!

  9. #9
    will bum for cigar Demuths1770's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarddog View Post
    When my bundle arrives, I'm gonna take one of them up to Matt at Santa Barbara Cigar, give it to him, and suggest that he order a box or two and talk 'em up...if he likes them, of course, and/or believes that they will be a viable hit in SB...I think they will, since many of the trust fund babies in SB are 'boutique oriented', and a small cigar company just starting out will intrigue them! Or, in lieu of that, those who just enjoy a fine cigar, like myself, will buy them just for a nice, relaxing smoke!

    There are a couple of cigar stores here in the local area, but I am not as comfortable with the ownership...nonetheless, I may do the same, because selfishly, it would be great to have a local B&M who stocks these! The rub is, as always, is that for a cigar just arrived in a shop to get any legs, it has to be talked up by the staff. Otherwise, the cigars just sit on the shelf, passively waiting for someone to take them home. As with any business, the success of a line of goods depends on the willingness of the ownership and staff to push it!
    i have a local shop that LOVES boutique cigars and i think if this is a good line i could see him carrying them.
    Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns

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    Lonely Wandering Bum Joe k's Avatar
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    It's not even close to a boutique cigar

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