straight bummin it
Originally Posted by
I've always been skeered (afraid) of the gimmick TV Show cigars although I heard good things about the "Soprano" cigar. I still have one "Leave it to Beaver"" cigar that's around fifty years years old....
I still have one soprano "associate" left from a couple years ago. It's the closest thing to chocolate covered cherries in smoke form I can think of.
Its a solid stick. Ash held on about halfway, lots of wood and tobacco flavors. No real transitions, but you could do worse. Especially if you get one pretty cheap.
I thought they'd be selling them for pennies now that the show is over.
It's not a real hobby unless it interferes with your work.
Royal Bum
I have a few of the "prospect" sizes. The flavor is great, but the burn is always an issue.
Wow, Someone Knows Me
I ended up scoring a box of the originals on the devil site awhile back. I am a fan of the show but really, these cigars did not disappoint. In fact, I'd say I really like them...and a little age does help them even more.
Hairy Cigar Fairy
AJ Fernandez is making the club house editions, so you know they are coming from a well established maker.
Bummin' Around
Originally Posted by
I ended up scoring a box of the originals on the devil site awhile back. I am a fan of the show but really, these cigars did not disappoint. In fact, I'd say I really like them...and a little age does help them even more.
Thats good to know. I also have been avoiding these.
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Bummin' Around
I have several sizes of the standard SOA Cigars, which BTW are made by Black Crown, and after at least six months rest they smoke pretty dam good. I had one over the weekend and it was resting for about a year. It is a very tasty cigar, some earth, leather and a host of sweet spice.
Of all the things I have lost in my lifetime, I miss my MIND the most!
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