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    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    Smoking on the Road

    I travel a fair amount for business, and find that I smoke way more on the road than at home. At home I am in the 2-3 a week category, but on a business trip or vacation I can ramp that up to one or more a day. On a 4 day golf outing with friends I smoked 14 in 5 days!

    So whats a road warrior cigar smoker to do:

    1) Hit up the local BM if at all possible. Never been to a BM where people weren't friendly, and most will have an associated bar or byob policy if you want a nip of something with your cigar. This is also a great way to try cigars before buying a fiver or more online.

    2) Bring your own. I have a wide assortment of travel cases for any length of trip. I like to use a 4 count Blackops case that will hold hold robusto's and belicoso's, though you may need to snip the torpedo first. Its compact and can easily be carried in a carry-on, or by hand when you head out for the evening smoke.

    3) Most nicer hotels will have some sort of decent outside smoking area usually on a patio, but if none is available you can also find venues that are primarily a bar, but allow/sells a few cigars and don't mind you smoking your own if your buying the booze. Some of these places have amazing whiskey selections and are worth a visit anyways like Delaney's in Denver, or WSKY in Oklahoma City. Some are hidden gems, like The Bull and the Bear tavern in Houston, you can smoke on the patio, but have to buy cigars at the SPEC's in the same strip mall.

    4) Come prepared. I have a cutter, with a keyring punch attached to it that I keep in my carry-on. I also keep a bic lighter, in case I don't want to check luggage, but if you are checking bags, get a colibri lighter case and you can bring your favorite torch. Also you can put mini liquor bottles in your liquids bag for TSA, which can make your road cigar that much nicer.

    5) Or not! Most places that will sell a cigar worth smoking will cut it for you and supply a source of fire. I was recently suprised when I went to Chama Gaucha in Houston for a business dinner, after a fine meal the waiter came by with a humidor loaded with Liga's, Fuente Hemingways, Padron anniversaries, and other mid-higher end cigars. We retired to the patio, smoked our cigars, and the waiter came by with a rolling liquor bar. Quite civilized.

    6) Do a little research, there are a number of "where to smoke" apps like Cigar Boss that will show you places nearby. Google is also your friend and with a bit of pre-planning you can position your hotel near a place you might smoke a cigar if chances arise.

    7) Don't be afraid to discuss your hobby. Once your business associates realize you smoke cigars, those who also enjoy will take your visit as an excuse to take you out for an evening.

    Share your road warrior tips! It has certainly made my many absences from home more bearable and I have met a number of very interesting people, cigar bloggers, and other fellow smokers along the way...

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    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Great post Bob.
    When I'm out travelling it's usually work or golf trips and I usually don't have time (or it may be too late at night) to hit a B&M or lounge to smoke. Even the hotels that don't have a dedicated smoking patio will have somewhere that the smokers tend to gather, be it a picnic table or the parking lot across from the entrance. You meet some awful nice, interesting people while just hanging out with a stick.
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

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    Bummin' Around CoachDread's Avatar
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    Excellent, excellent post! Great advice! Also, make sure you check the hotel's smoking policy, including balconies, ahead of time. I don't smoke inside and assume that smoking is generally allowed on private balconies but it is certainly not always the case as I recently learned.

  5. #4
    Rhymes with "seed" Zeede's Avatar
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    I have had friends who smoked cigarettes and there were always guys mooching cigarettes at the local smoking gathering spot. I gather this isn't true with cigars?

  6. #5
    Bummin' Around herman's Avatar
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    I find this true with me too. Smoke more on vacation and pack a herfador. I also carry a key chain punch. Pack 2 lighters into the herf sealed in a ziplock bag and try to book a balcony. I don't think I'm committed enough for a phone app, but that's neat they make one. I have been carrying around the top to an old coffee grinder for an ashtray. It has a slanted top and long tab to hold my cigar, and fits into a cup holder. I do most my smoking in the car if I'm on a solo trip, and just use the wind to ash, but the ashtray comes in handy for the balcony. I keep the driver's side window cracked, and close the vents to protect the air filter. I always look for rules, but rarely see any smoking rules posted for balconies. Hope I'm not the one motivating them to add them! Never had any complaints though.

  7. #6
    Bummin' Around AK47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeede View Post
    I have had friends who smoked cigarettes and there were always guys mooching cigarettes at the local smoking gathering spot. I gather this isn't true with cigars?
    I'd be shocked if a random stranger approached you to bum a cigar anywhere. Cigarettes are cheap and people have them by the pack so it's not a big deal to bum one but cigars are a whole different smoking experience entirely. Friends bumming cigars on the other hand..

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    Bummin' Around herman's Avatar
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    Agreed. A stranger asking would be strange (but it has happened to me at B&Ms), but I always offer when my friend(s) might want one. I know most of them well enough, I know how many and which ones to pack.
    Last edited by herman; 06-09-2015 at 09:22 PM.

  9. #8
    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeede View Post
    I have had friends who smoked cigarettes and there were always guys mooching cigarettes at the local smoking gathering spot. I gather this isn't true with cigars?
    Never been mooched at a cigar spot of any sort.. Well last night a drunken Georgia Peach wanted a puff. Of course I declined

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