12-23-2019, 09:12 PM
Royal Bum

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12-23-2019, 10:14 PM
Full-on Scraggly Bum

Originally Posted by
Always looking for new little morning coffee smokes. Can you tell me about them (strength, full name so I can find them, price point, and packaging {tins/boxes}, etc...)?
Hey Bob! This should help: https://halfwheel.com/roma-craft-tob...tu/367446/amp/
The one I had was the pygmy in that picture. I picked it up a local shop but they are online at most of the places that sell Roma Craft.
It also is some secret as the filler and the binder on every site I read is listed as unknown. The wrapper is Cameroon and it does have a bit of spicieness but it's not overpowering like a Pepin of sorts. It was really good with a great even burn.
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12-23-2019, 10:27 PM
Lucky Bum

Originally Posted by
The Brits swear by these and I’ve always been curious so I bought one for the outrageous price of $1.50 out of curiosity. It definitely doesn’t taste like your average machine made cigar. It’s a good maduro and I could see myself enjoying a couple with a hot coffee. I just love the packaging.
Sent from the back porch.
Dry cured and no need for humidification
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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12-23-2019, 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by
It's actually part of the process, reporting bands of those birds you kill. The bands are there for helping track data such as migration or age. There is a .gov website that is setup so that you can report the band, get the information on where it was banded, who banded it, and the date. They then send you a certificate of achievement actually as the bands are pretty rare and they appreciate you reporting it. I posted because it doesn't happen that often and when it does it's a pretty cool thing.
That is pretty cool. Is it a state agency that bands them or a national? I would imagine more of a regional or national agency due to the migratory patterns of ducks. I have caught a few tagged fish, except you have the option to return them to the water. Similarly, you can get information on where and when it was tagged, size at time of tagging, and if it had been caught and reported before.
I have several hundred Canadian Geese across the street from me that have become a nuisance. They sometimes block traffic and make a mess of everything!
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12-23-2019, 10:53 PM
Royal Bum
Got this little gem from
a couple years back and have been sitting on it. Heard they hit way above their price point back then and I am not disappointed!
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12-23-2019, 11:34 PM
Golf Course Bum
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
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12-24-2019, 02:14 AM
Lost no more
Monday Evening. Tabacalera Corona Sumatra...Enjoyed along with a couple of cups of excellent Hot coffee.
Someday may come up with a new picture...for now ....smoked one that looked and smoked a lot like one from this prior box.
Last edited by allusred; 12-24-2019 at 02:21 AM.
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12-24-2019, 02:41 AM
Lost no more

Originally Posted by
Always looking for new little morning coffee smokes. Can you tell me about them (strength, full name so I can find them, price point, and packaging {tins/boxes}, etc...)?
- - - Updated - - -
You can’t keep pulling the “no pix” crap! We don’t like slackers around these parts.
Dagslabitt His Excellency Sir. Dog Rockets done got away with that lame bit for years.
Oooops almost forgot ...His Excellency Sir. Dog Rockets may well have gotten away with not posting photos sitting with a cigar in hand due to His smoking cigars whilst Nekkid.
Anyways I haint a slacker ...jest lazy an incompetental like.
Ain't dranken a Beer in past two Months...an no Bourbon for twice that time, but I'll try to come up with a photo afore Year's end.
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12-24-2019, 09:37 AM
Full-on Scraggly Bum

Originally Posted by
That is pretty cool. Is it a state agency that bands them or a national? I would imagine more of a regional or national agency due to the migratory patterns of ducks. I have caught a few tagged fish, except you have the option to return them to the water. Similarly, you can get information on where and when it was tagged, size at time of tagging, and if it had been caught and reported before.
I have several hundred Canadian Geese across the street from me that have become a nuisance. They sometimes block traffic and make a mess of everything!
Yes, it is a federal program for sure. The entire duck season and all that goes along with it is a Federal deal, the states have to decide how to use/enforce it. So in other words the Federal level says you are allowed 60 total days of duck hunting in your state. The NY DEC then tries to figure out how to break up those days into seasons. While the state may do the banding it's all ultimately part of the federal program for the overall picture of all the flyways.
The geese are a real problem here as well, they destroy planted fields in a few days.
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12-24-2019, 10:36 AM
Royal Bum
Courtesy of
@greige matter
. Excellent smoke, and awful picture. Need to get some of these. 
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