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  1. #6451
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Kidvegas's Avatar
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    On the other hand this one is a Fav for sure!!

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  2. #6452
    Royal Bum Brimy's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kidvegas View Post
    That the reason i dig the Katman he says what he thinks no BS. Honestly i just sent a good BOTL the 2 SC's i had left because I'm not a fan of the line. And ive tried many of them. The Quintessence being one of them.

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    That's the only SC that I haven't had. Love the Elegancia & Classic lines, haven't had the Revelation in a while but remember enjoying it despite its size. The Ovation is the only one I've had that I didn't really care for, but it was at a lounge and probably too wet for comfort. I may buy one or two & let them get to 65% & try it again.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by restomod View Post
    6 cylinder eh? She looks a tad on the lean side.
    I prop my phone against them and watch Bob Ross paint.

  5. #6454
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Brimy;153434]That's the only SC that I haven't had. Love the Elegancia & Classic lines, haven't had the Revelation in a while but remember enjoying it despite its size. The Ovation is the only one I've had that I didn't really care for, but it was at a lounge and probably too wet for comfort. I may buy one or two & let them get to

    Hi Brian, Like you I've smoked and liked most of the San Cristobals. Just read the review you mentioned. Noticed Katman didn't like the Del Sol. The Del Sol Fireplug was one that I really did like, wish it was still made.
    Top of the regular S.C.'s *for me* are the Guajiro. That Del Sol fireplug next. The Revelation Mystic. Then the Elegancia Corona. With the Quintessence in the next spot. Katman said in that review that flavours are hard to detect/isolate. Tho I may be aware of changes,can't put a name to them. If it's a good cigar,one I enjoy smoking...good nuff for me. Have only had one Don Pepin Garcia that I hated. It's a line that many like,and like a lot.However the one I tried to smoke was so bloody bad I'll never light up another of that Brand. Haven't had the Ovation.
    No "this is the best..." from me,just a bit on the ones mentioned.
    Pepin makes Cigars that I do like to smoke. Or,maybe I just like pepper.

    Last edited by allusred; 01-28-2017 at 07:48 PM.

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  7. #6455
    Royal Bum Brimy's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brimy View Post
    That's the only SC that I haven't had. Love the Elegancia & Classic lines, haven't had the Revelation in a while but remember enjoying it despite its size. The Ovation is the only one I've had that I didn't really care for, but it was at a lounge and probably too wet for comfort. I may buy one or two & let them get to

    Hi Brian, Like you I've smoked and liked most of the San Cristobals. Just read the review you mentioned. Noticed Katman didn't like the Del Sol. The Del Sol Fireplug was one that I really did like, wish it was still made.
    Top of the regular S.C.'s *for me* are the Guajiro. That Del Sol fireplug next. The Revelation Mystic. Then the Elegancia Corona. With the Quintessence in the next spot. Katman said in that review that flavours are hard to detect/isolate. Tho I may be aware of changes,can't put a name to them. If it's a good cigar,one I enjoy smoking...good nuff for me. Have only had one Don Pepin Garcia that I hated. It's a line that many like,and like a lot.However the one I tried to smoke was so bloody bad I'll never light up another of that Brand. Haven't had the Ovation.
    No "this is the best..." from me,just a bit on the ones mentioned.
    Pepin makes Cigars that I do like to smoke. Or,maybe I just like pepper.

    I agree about DPG!
    I can't think of one that I do not like! Like I said about the Ovation, it may just have been due to it being from the lounge vs me keeping my stock at 65% - 67%.
    I too notice the change in flavors, but don't ask me to name them either!
    Pepper is good! But they do have lots of flavor as well. Their entire My Father line, the Jamie Garcia line. The Blue Label & Cuban Classic!!! Do I need to go on?!?!?!

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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    Hey those look almost liek plucked turkeys or something. The one on the left looks fresh and delicious, the one on the right, er.. not so much... and to think I usually like smoked turkey...

    I tried one of those bummed from an acquaintance years ago when a bunch of us were hanging out together. No idea what kind it was but I'm sure it was whatever the cool people smoked back then. I never inhaled the thing, I'd seen other n00bs do that and cough their guts out, plus I never liked getting a lungfull of smoke from a campfire so it made sense that the best place for smoke was not in my lungs. I still remember the taste: pretty much all I could taste was the burning paper and it left a nasty taste in my mouth for 3 days after. I never considered taking up cigarettes as a habit. Glad I didn't.

    Anyway, glad to hear it whenever someone says they quit those things.
    Sure wish I hadn't been so foolish to think it was cool for whatever reason. Hated seeing my dad smoke as a kid knowing it was bad for you. And most certainly glad my daughter doesn't see it from me. Still couldn't tell you why ashtray didn't seem to taste so bad...
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    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allusred View Post

    I agree about DPG!
    I can't think of one that I do not like! Like I said about the Ovation, it may just have been due to it being from the lounge vs me keeping my stock at 65% - 67%.
    I too notice the change in flavors, but don't ask me to name them either!
    Pepper is good! But they do have lots of flavor as well. Their entire My Father line, the Jamie Garcia line. The Blue Label & Cuban Classic!!! Do I need to go on?!?!?!
    With you 100 percent. Those you mention are outstanding. One of his first brands, a milder one, I would put as my #1 D.P.G. smoke, natch can't recall the name right now. Kinda funny how some who don't like the pepper swear that its all there is to Garcia's cigars.

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  13. #6458
    Wow, Someone Knows Me BlueDevil07's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Had this RyJ earlier today. The flavor was nice, but the construction was a little wonky

  14. #6459
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanS View Post
    April will be 20 years for this Bum. Im loving my pink sacks, pipes and cigars!
    Well that's great but don't feel like you need to post a pic of your pink sack... <3 <-- that's a ballsack btw...
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Cigarer's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Cigar a day is helping keep the stress at bay

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