01-28-2017, 10:53 AM
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans

Renzulli courtesy of
from our NB-FTB. Smooth easy draw with some nice flavoring so far. Med/full at the moment seens to be a winner! Thanks again bro.
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01-28-2017, 11:08 AM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Hey now - I did say it was one of the strongest of the bunch ! I'd say glad you enjoyed it, but it sounds like it took you out

How are you going to hang with the Bums at the Orgy getting sick on one little corona ???
Curivari Achilles Mirmidrones for me tonight
Thank you
I most certainly enjoyed it. It smoked so smoothly and deceitfully for a strong smoke. And it actually didn't make me nauseous as others have, but it did daze me for sure.
Maybe I'll need to devise a discreet filtration system that reduces nicotine by 20% so I can hang!
"Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day
"I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899
"Amen....wine, beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958
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01-28-2017, 11:14 AM
Full-on Scraggly Bum

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
Is that the Unlimited? I like the HOTD. Have a box somewhere...
I like the HOTD too but CI runs specials all the time on Unlimiteds and Unlimited Maduro and it's hard to pass up.
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01-28-2017, 12:28 PM
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans

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01-28-2017, 12:57 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Maybe I'll need to devise a discreet filtration system that reduces nicotine by 20% so I can hang!
They used to make these things that were tobacco in a paper tube with some kind of fiberous filter on one end. Perhaps you shold try one of those if you can still find them... came in a pack of about 20 I think...
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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01-28-2017, 03:12 PM
Lucky Bum
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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01-28-2017, 03:16 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
They used to make these things that were tobacco in a paper tube with some kind of fiberous filter on one end. Perhaps you shold try one of those if you can still find them... came in a pack of about 20 I think...

They put chemicals to make you need them so I quit giving my money to them and went on to these that are not only less nasty, but aren't quite as frowned upon by the masses all depending. Tried American Spirits and my body didn't get the fix it wanted leaving me wanting to smoke another. I stayed strong and after just 3 days I cut my intake in half!
They took so much money from me for about 25 years I can only imagine what I could buy with it!
Marlboro had me smoking no less than 2 packs a day. I didn't want my daughter growing up around that.
Last edited by rodwha; 01-28-2017 at 03:19 PM.
"Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day
"I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899
"Amen....wine, beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958
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01-28-2017, 04:01 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by

I remember those!
Hey those look almost liek plucked turkeys or something. The one on the left looks fresh and delicious, the one on the right, er.. not so much... and to think I usually like smoked turkey...

Originally Posted by
They put chemicals to make you need them so I quit giving my money to them and went on to these that are not only less nasty, but aren't quite as frowned upon by the masses all depending. Tried American Spirits and my body didn't get the fix it wanted leaving me wanting to smoke another. I stayed strong and after just 3 days I cut my intake in half!
They took so much money from me for about 25 years I can only imagine what I could buy with it!
Marlboro had me smoking no less than 2 packs a day. I didn't want my daughter growing up around that.
I tried one of those bummed from an acquaintance years ago when a bunch of us were hanging out together. No idea what kind it was but I'm sure it was whatever the cool people smoked back then. I never inhaled the thing, I'd seen other n00bs do that and cough their guts out, plus I never liked getting a lungfull of smoke from a campfire so it made sense that the best place for smoke was not in my lungs. I still remember the taste: pretty much all I could taste was the burning paper and it left a nasty taste in my mouth for 3 days after. I never considered taking up cigarettes as a habit. Glad I didn't.
Anyway, glad to hear it whenever someone says they quit those things.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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01-28-2017, 04:20 PM
Hairy Cigar Fairy

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How did you like it? The hammer and Sickle is one of my favorite lines. I have yet to be dissapointed by one.
- - - Updated - - -
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01-28-2017, 04:24 PM
Lucky Bum
April will be 20 years for this Bum. Im loving my pink sacks, pipes and cigars!
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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