"verrrrrry interesting" ......
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Going with the Piggy tonight!
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That sum' buck gnawed some of the cedar wrap off of it. Walked into the room just about the time he got to gnashing on it. I wopped him upside the head with a Chiquita banana. I spun the cigar around so one couldn't see the toofus' marks in the picture. I told him next time I won't be so nice and I would cram an unpeeled banana between his soup coolers and another up his.....errrrrr.....well let's just say that he'd get one each in the "inbox" and "outbox" iffins you know what I'm talking bout.......
Wooda tookened me sum rimuch time, but mr. Grounhawg's purty quick on transulatin th Hitek...so knows wot y'all spoked.
Har be a tipy fore yah. jes hinsert wun ah then Firht O July Sparklers in a Churyhill cigar fer S.M. an he S.M. wood be lak ta stop leavin' then Fish haids stuffed in yore Mailbox.
Sav tha Banners fer S.M.s Girlfriend She gitz a lot moor joy from dem. Mite sav you a mite ah wear en frickion during th night time Her spen on you.
WSmoked a rught nice Juan Lopez cigar t'day thet S. M. sholly wood a gotz afore me so I'm thankin you agin fer takin in S.M & his (wal now guess tis Yourn) Girlfriend.
Classic Maddy & Manhattan...
Tiz'nt mah gurl. Sheez still wantin' dat gersee shure man along da banks of da big pond on out dere east o' me. Shee want ewe two give her watt Billie Clinton done did gave Moneka Lewdinsky widdout awl dat sellaphane hugging da terbaccy. Den she want sumptin' else from ya dat dunt have no terbaccy in it, iffins youse nose watt eye talking bout. Eye keep SM busy four a spell shovin firekrackhers hear Anne dare do's ewe. Ewe knead two git busy wit it Anne make sum Lil's kritters two kary on yo jeans two da next sentury
Oar sew......
Stopped at my favorite tobacconist on the way home from the Turkish prison yesterday and picked up one of these:
Never heard of it, but the proprietor said they were pretty good and quite popular. And it was cheap. I'm a sucker for new and cheap.
Tasted good, didn't really masquerade as anything but a cheapie, but there was a distinctive flavor that took me a few minutes to place - JR bundle cigars. Pretty much the same thing. It had a habano wrapper, which I generally favor, but that was immaterial, as I had the windows in my truck cracked for ventilation, and that tore up and removed the entire wrapper. So basically I smoked a cigar in a naked binder :)
This evening I had a lovely RP Connecticut while kayaking with my daughter on the Occoquan river. It's kind of inconvenient to smoke a cigar while kayaking.
The kiddo was bugging the ole lady (she works from home) so I decided it was well past time to clean up the truck and I could use a very small helper (the cigar and that kiddo):
I really enjoy these little Maduros!