Hello ? I think you are mistaken sir. That does not sound like anything from my box. Better or worse than those Jimmies ?
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Would venture to hazard a guess as to why, maybe, perhaps.
(Most certainly Sir Dog Rockets due to his immense responsibilities of overseeing the kingdom of GURKHA lit this "odd" cigar without first examining it properly)
Only needed to turn it over before lighting to determine the cigar's true gender.
Sadly, now too late for pix.
Liga Undercrown Corona Viva.
For Tat Tuesday.....
Round 2 with thanks.....
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neighbor came by today an brought me a Don Pepin Garcia original
Love the graphics you come up with :)
2013 Obsidian Double Perfecto with Diet Pepsi and Mozart Piano COncerto #21, (Elvira Madigan).
Age has helped these become a good smoke. Filled well, if a little out of round, but it burns perfectly. Very nice in the mouth because the taper is gradual. In a nice way, it tastes like a Merlot poured over a leather belt that was on the ground overnight. Medium body, good smoke volume, smooth, consistent with a (bit) lighter snork that has a touch of spice. I either have a box of these, and if not, then I may have a single, wish I had more. Best Pinar product I've tried.