Originally Posted by
Having detected a slight tone of weariness,and unable to determine if might be due a lack of friction between your good self an Smokin Monkey's Swett Lil Girlfriend. Hastened to ask advice from Dr.Xue Ming. As you know, while Xi was promotingPRI/OBOR at the Belt an Road forum in Beijing the highly esteemed Dr. Xue Ming was presenting preliminary reports of progress on some of Her latest research projecst, which in every case provide hope of hope for all those searching for hope. (We caexpect a rather more detailed explanation of Her presentation given in Beijing, once She has returned to Princeton.)
Droy, it is truly wonderful to see that despite Her hectic scjedule Dr. Xue Ming has taken time to provide advice, however I'm not 100 percent certain if it is meant for Smoking Monkey or directed to you. Perhaps some of the meaning has been lost in translation along the way.
Dr. Xue Ming reafirms her admiration for the true and deep symbiosis between the ever Smiling Smoking Monkey and yourself.
Be of semi good cheer Droy and remember ...When it comes to harmony all harmonics matter.
Almost forgot the Message from Dr. Xue Ming....She has found that " D.I. D. " is the problem.