Yes it was. I thought it was pretty good. It was nice and smooth not much spice. I grabbed a couple at a local B&M last week, gonna give the other one more rest and try again.
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VSG courtesy @Cigarer ... what a great smoke and spectacular gift. Thanks again Brother!
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Lost and Found Butter before the Duck's game!
Arrington Vineyards Double W
Another fine stick from Crowned Heads
Lazy Saturday afternoon, felt like an 858
I had a Mark Twain gordo maduro last night and I'm smoking a Mark Twain Churchill this morning. Got these in a trade. I like the Connecticut wrapper Churchill better than the Maduro one - seems to be more flavor.
Sneaking out back to try to get in a smoke. Man O' War Puro Authentico thanks to @Tombstone . Just a quick shout out to all who care for the sick and elderly as there's a place in Heaven for you! My wife and I are physically and mentally wore out from taking care of her friend. Friday we had to load her up in the Jeep to take her to her first physical therapy. By the time we got her outside, down the front steps and to the driveway she gave out and it's was all I could do to keep her from falling down. I had to lay her down in the driveway and we couldn't get her back up. I was knocking on doors to find some help. What a nightmare.....