On this cool and way too windy Thursday Afternoon.
My Fathers Vegas Cubanas Coronas 5.5x44.
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On this cool and way too windy Thursday Afternoon.
My Fathers Vegas Cubanas Coronas 5.5x44.
Thanks everyone,
Well we were going to celebrate. She was bringing home a celebration dinner after getting off early from work for a nice relaxing 4 day weekend. However......
We live on a very low traffic hwy number 25, you turn on it and we are right there on the corner lot, to the hwy. She was stopped waiting to turn, in fact I saw her through the front windows. She was stopped fully, and waiting on a 18 wheeler to go by. When a guy in a dual cab pickup rams right into the back of her.
Thank God, she was not hurt at all. He did a good bit of damage to the front end of his truck, and clipped the driver side, back end. It wasn’t drivable, but cam and will be fixed. Until then we have a rental, which she just got. It’s was obviously his fault, and he even told the trooper, he looked down and when he looked up he realized he messed up. He also wasn’t hurt, thankfully.
That in and of itself, made for a very non celebratory mood. However....
Not even 2 months ago, a woman pulled running a light, and caused a much worse accident. My wife was badly bruised, but again, thank God. It could have been much much worse, so we had just got a brand new car for her a month ago. Since my disabilities make me unable to drive, we only have one. So it was her brand new car that was hit yesterday.
Needless to say she’s shaken up, physically she’s fine, but a bit unnerved about driving. So that was our day, I hope you all had a MUCH better one!
Went with a Casa for this Friday, I needed one
La Faraona Habano
Been looking forward to this one from @dinoa2 . So far, it’s a great stick. Thanks again, Jerry! I’d be interested to hear a review from you on this stick - maybe we could do a double review? Any ideas on how mine should go?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...afc7585a4e.jpg
Wow, thank God she wasn't hurt. It sounds like your area has a bunch of licensed Rainman.
Congrats on paying off the house. That's a biggie for sure.
I am smoking a Cloud Hopper, courtesy of my Secret Santa @chain_gang . Thank you Matthew, this is a first Cloud Hopper and am really enjoying it while I watch the Cardinals beating the Reds.
CAO extreme. Not bad. Don't know what is extreme about it though. Lolhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...74adf0c581.jpg
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Friday Noontime.
My Father Le Bijou 1922 Petite Robusto 4.5x50.
Kinda windy but this cigar burned flawlessly,figure that's excellent construction, skilled roller, both getting it right.
CAO Sessionhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...488d4f20fd.jpg
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Padron Friday- lolhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...eb070d36f8.jpg
That's horrible Chris but so glad no one was hurt. Take care of that lady and spoil her rotten - she's a good woman !
I'm down TJ
Fuente Friday Afternoon, Cigar courtesy of Old Smokey.
Fuente Fuente Opus X Love Affair 4.5x52.
Finally got a break from the wind that I've been waiting for, time to concentrate of the cigar. The wait was worth it after all, I don't have patience so it's been hard to resist lighting up this cigar that My Secret Santa Old Smokey sent me. Now I'm certain this is the first Opus X love affair I've ever had the pleasure of smoking.Every bit as fine a smoke as I was expecting it to be and one heck of a lot more.Easy light and in less than a minute it was putting out clouds of smoke. Flat out one of the very best cigars I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. Thanks Steve (Old Smokey) would never have known how fine this F&F Opusx was had You not sent this one in of Your way over the top Secret Santa 2020 gift.
Glad you enjoyed it, Steve!
EZ Coffee from Santa @Regiampiero
Cuba Aliados Miami LE from @josh lucky 13
Thanks again, fellas!
First smoke I’ve taken a pic of in a while. Been lazy I guess.
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Family rented an ABnB in Bushkill, PA.
Going to get a few more in before returning to the rat race on Monday.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...63c033d9e3.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...28ae894d04.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...8731803fa7.jpg
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Thanks again everyone for the kind words. Trust me I’ve been thanking Him a lot, that she walked away from not one, but two wrecks. She’s terrified to get behind the wheel again, and I can’t say I blame her. I know it will pass, as does she, it’s just a process.
For this Saturday I went with a Kudzu
A first for me lighting up my first Hammer and Sickle a Berliner Mauser. This has a metal band very unique. Got this on another forum in 2015.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...58d7862dd2.jpg
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Saturday Afternoon smoke.
My Father Vegas Cubanas Coronas 5.5x44.
Project almost complete! Got a chance to sneak this in! Hope everyone is well!!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...5c44a65b96.jpg
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Catching up...glad all is OK, @LazyLightning - that’s scary. A few years ago, I was stopped at a red light and it turned green. For whatever reason, I thought to look both ways before proceeding into the intersection, and I’m probably only alive because I did. Some asshole came speeding through, running the red light. He would’ve smoked me right at my drivers side door. I now always look both ways before going through any intersection, whether I have a green light or not.
Tonight, Oliva V Lancero. These just get better and better as I work through the box. Can’t ask for a better Habano wrapped cigar. Superb.
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Boothy 11thhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...01e8548d78.jpg
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This AM (whipped cream)
Now - SAKA Saturday?
It’s such a nice evening. Sitting on the patio with my love and enjoying a good cigar.
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Room 101 Daruma Gold lancero. When I first got these they had some type of metallic taste that I didn't like. So I put them away and about once a year I smoke one to see if it's still present. I am glad to say that after about 6 years I'm not detecting the metallic taste any more. But I still prefer the silver label Mutante more. Life's a bitch! :)
These are definitely a feast or famine smoke. When they go wrong and you gotta fight the draw, they’re a pain in the ass but when they go right and have a perfect pull, relatively even burn, they really go right and punch way above their $5 price tag.
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I hear ya. I got T-boned when a guy ran a stop sign and right into my driver's side door and now even though I have the right of way and cross traffic has a stop sign you bet your butt that I still slow down (4 years later) if I see a car approaching that intersection.
Give her time and support @LazyLightning - she'll be looking over her shoulder (with good reason) for a while.
A couple on the golf course this morning
Tonight an MK Ultra
Another from last night, Cigar Dojo Bonsai.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...068b9c4ca0.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...eef339c897.jpg
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My wife got T-Boned twice in a 2 year period by people running through red lights in the early 2000's. She wasn't severely injured other than a couple of broken bones and bruised up pretty badly. After the 2nd one she said she was done driving and I told her I would drive her whenever and wherever she needed to go and that's how it's been since. She was a mess riding in the car for the first couple of years thinking everyone was going to run through a red light or stop sign. She is doing much better as a passenger these days. It takes a lot of patience to work through'it.
EZ Coffee from St. @Regiampiero
CAO Mayans M.C.
Last batch of the EZ Coffee, G. Enjoyed every drop. Thanks again!