Viaje Zombie
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Viaje Zombie
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Fuente Friday
This delicious stick.
Courtesy of @Old Smokey .
Thank you Steve!
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Friday Evening.
My Father No.4 Lancero 7.5x38.
A little midnight smokehouse action. I don’t get down on these guys very often but when the time is right... boy do they scratch an itch.
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Fuente Friday and the start of another way too short weekend
Maybe I am the only guy thiking this way. Just an opinion. The regional editions and limited edition Cubans,may be from an outstanding crop season. Or a tweaked blend, and so are better than the standard editions in that brand. Maybe worth a bit more, but unlikely to be way better than the usual.So again this is only My take on the subject. Some times one pays more for the brand (name) or for the cigar band. But some of the folks who smoke only Hundred, hundred and fifty dollar cigars. Are really smoking the price tag. It's a "You know I"m special because I only smoke these high priced cigars."I'm sure there are guys who smoke a twenty five cent or fifty cent cigar once a week but get a helluva lot more pleasure when smoking than does "Mr Look at Me" with His high priced cigars.
@josh lucky 13 thanks for the smoke, dude!Attachment 7705
@allusred Bob, did you see the Secret Santa thread?
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Parodi Ammezzati for the afternoon. I wish I could pull off the Eastwood face but I just look ridiculous.
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Those are actually pretty good dry cured smokes. Perfect if you only have 15-20 min to spare, and in the mood for a woodsy flavor profile.
For a beautiful Saturday afternoon
Caldwell Eastern Standard
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Old Smokey thank you for this fine cigar
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Saturday Starter.
Last one of My Favourite My Fathers cigars. Vegas Cubanas Corona 5.5x44.
MoW DamnationAttachment 7708
Saturday early Evening.
Esteban Carreras Chupacabra 6x50.
Tonight’s smoke brought to you by.... uh... well... I’m not sure actually. This bad boy came unbanded and it’s been in my humi for years so I don’t know. I want to say it’s a Rodrigo but I’m only like 60% on that. Ironic I suppose since I spent all morning blathering on about cigar bands.
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La Gloria Cubana Maduro
Capping off the night with a nice smoke from @cheaphumidors .Attachment 7709
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this is a Rodrigo and I only say that because it’s as disappointing as the other Rodrigos I’ve smoked. I hate to speak ill of the defunct but jeez... these smokes, every one I’ve had have been all show and no go. I mean the construction is gorgeous, burn is clean, ash is beautiful, but the draw, while not overly tight almost never produces a satisfying volume of smoke and the flavor is... flat? Maybe? I don’t really know if that’s the right word to describe it but it doesn’t seem to live up to the hype you’d expect from the construction. Oh well, some smoke is better than no smoke and there’s always another stick.
*Edit* ok.. maybe I was too premature and harsh in my judgement. I think she might be a “second half” team. The draw improved dramatically at the halfway point and the flavors opened up a bit. It didn’t develop any sweetness, more earth and spice, maybe a little cedar. It went from a 4/10 in the first half to at least a 6/10 in the second.
*Final Edit* I nubbed it so I guess overall decision is a solid 7.
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A nice Laranja compliments of @chain_gang
In the past I have given this a "great" rating and it's still right there. Liked it enough to smoke it again, buy a fiver at a good price but not enough that I went looking at prices or put it on the list. Still like the original orange band much better. That one is an "excellent" and I have sought out and bought some.
MoW Ruination
Attachment 7716
Court is in session.
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Sunday early Afternoon smoke.
Crowned Heads Las Mareas 4.5x48. A nice short smoke. Like the CH La Imperpiosa Magicos they both wear brownish cello, and both are Don Pepin Garcia cigars. I kinda like most cigars made by Pepin.
First experience with the Espinosa brand. This is cigar 1 of a 5 stick sampler. Figure I’ll start light to dark.
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Mi Amor for a beautiful Sunday
Graycliff Turbo Edicion Limitada 2010
One of the many wonders included in a MAW from @josh lucky 13 Attachment 7718
Late game stogie. These are very underrated. Any pepper heads should seek this out.
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That was not a great cigar bundle stick that paled in comparison to the graycliff turbo (which was an aj stick). Graycliff turbo was one of the first cigars to wow me. But unable to find any more.
- - - Updated - - -
No pic but a cheap devils weed. Nothing more than a yard gar
Inspired by the Cigar Band thread...
I enjoyed it. Not great like you said, but a step up at least from a yard-gar. Gonna have to look into GC more on my next bidding run. Thanks again for the stick, and for letting me know it was from a budget bundle.
Never took you as a yard-gar guy. Devils Weed? Seen em on the Bid - any good?
The last few Brickies I’ve had were not particularly enjoyable. Let’s see if I can break the streak. This one has been in the box for more than 5 years I wager, the wrapper is still nice and oily, let’s see if it moves me.
Spoiler alert: it did not break the streak. Frustrating that the best thing I can find to say about Brick House smokes is “I didn’t hate it.” I think it’s safe to say that when you enjoy everything about a cigar except the flavor, you can toss it in the “not my jam” pile.
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