We are getting a fall preview this week, and it’s absolutely beautiful out.
I decided to give one of these Davidoff The Late Hour a try, suggested to me by my good enabler, err I mean friend
I’m not crazy about this larger rg, but when you look for a single or two to try out before a box, etc... you sometimes have to be happy with what you can get.
This is also a celebratory smoke, in honor of my new guitar rig. I finally got my “dream” rig. Upgraded everything, guitar, amp, new pedals and a board to put them on. I’ve been working on this for the last several months. I have everything now, with the exception of a 2 or 3 more pedals. It’s taken over 3 decades to finally have a rig like this, so I think it calls for a celebration.
Those into this might appreciate a pic ( I added another pedal yesterday, but this pic is from a few days before )