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La Palina Black Toro on the course this afternoon and an El Gueguense Corona Gorda while watching the Packers beat up on the G-men
Sunday afternoon. Grimalkin Torpedo...65x52. A good 'oldie' from Don Jose Garcia, Burn time one hour and twenty eight minutes.
Undercrown Corona Viva a personal favorite. Watching the rain pour down.
Late evening Sunday. La aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial...56x46. Gifted cigar that's reminded me of how much I do like these, put it on "the list"...might as well, but can't even start to work my way thru the modest number on there now, something else always comes along that's a get it now. Not sure of the burn time, think in the range of an hour and fifteen minutes. This corona size smoke along with two cups of hot coffee made for an enjoyable smoke despite the chill and damp on the porch...if it yhad been a Churchill would have come indoors to finish it.
Caldwell Gibralter Extra
Rocky Patel Super Ligero Lancero
JD Howard Robusto
Casa Fernandez Arsenio Serie Oro Toro
L'Atelier Lancero
Ave Maria Lionheart
Padilla 1948. Is good.
Leson learned. When you find something in your wife's glovebox, DO NOT smoke it! She had a coupla those Acid cigarillos, the single ones, blue and red. Lit red, she lit blue. The smell, my God, the smell! The taste? Well, I no longer am curious what it would taste like to light up and smoke one of those little incense cones. Hope I can get the taste outta my mouth in time for Maduro Monday tonight
Just fired up a Black Pearl