A favorite of mine with my coffee:
https://i.postimg.cc/hGdh6QDX/9-EB3-...694-DB3-A2.jpgupload image url
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A favorite of mine with my coffee:
https://i.postimg.cc/hGdh6QDX/9-EB3-...694-DB3-A2.jpgupload image url
I could literally live on Diesels for the rest of my life if I had to. However until then...
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Taco Tuesday right?
Thanks to Seth for this one!
Viaje Collaboration 2014 with the Yellow Cello.
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Black corona gorda
Cojonu 2012 for Tat Tuesday
Protocol Probable Cause
Crux Guild for Tue.
Maestro de Tiempo
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I haven't, but @cheaphumidors sent me one! Just waiting for the right moment!
Ok, went digging for something warped and stumbled across these and just had to have one.
That damn enabler @Kidvegas recommended these maduros and I snagged a bundle a while back. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...5a9e4bde42.jpg
Got a little practice in today before I head to STL. Didn’t do too bad. I think @WNYTONY would be proud of this battered glove.
Sent from the back porch.
Golf with EPC
and a nice Warped Wednesday treat
For Wed.
Yesterday I pulled the last of these. I hadn’t thought they were as good as some that are a little cheaper such as the Mx2 or Nat Sherman, but with my coffee I felt it was excellent.
This morning’s smoke was another story. I felt it didn’t go quite so well with coffee, but also that a corona sized smoke just didn’t do me right. I had to go lay down for a bit.
Nothing yet.... but soon!
Mmm..Crowned Heads
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I just want to celebrate my older brothers life as he passed today at 63. My mom was the one to call me a a few hours ago and it was just a brutal call. I just don't know what to do or say right now as I'm tired of the tears and want to celebrate his life, but damn it's hard. I just needed to step out back for a bit and chill, vent or whatever and I thank you for hearing my pain right now. It just sucks....
Thank you Steve. We were both old and hard headed and the last time we together we were exchanging knuckle sandwiches. It was stupid at the time (2009), but he tossed a blind roundhouse on my left jaw and it was on. We were pulled apart after I dotted his eye and I never really understood what was up his ass. Anyhow, I've been trying to patch it up for the last few years as we're family. I just hope all is well when I get to heaven and kick his ass at Monopaly. Good night to all....
I see people saying they really like these Lost Art but I wasn't impressed. Will try it again - maybe it was just a bad roll.
Even this little Macanudo is nice with coffee:
https://i.postimg.cc/HLHWZCwF/40-EEA...625-C9-B04.jpgexotik girl