One of those skinny scary thangs @AlanS sent me....
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One of those skinny scary thangs @AlanS sent me....
Don't think Alan would be sending you any thang too scary to smoke.
Think the name of the band is one ah've seed afore, but kelour not th same like.
Other how looks like a good cigar, to me.
Smokin Monkey sez he had a skinny cigar one night, thinks it was a "Tarpon or Tampon."
He didn't like it, said it burned too harsh,was like a giant cigarette filter, sez he smoked it down to the last half inch before giving up cause the taste didn't improve at all,gave him a frightful headache it did.
Never mind that, Im certain Alan would not send you a scary cigar, skinny or otherwise.
Got some rain the last couple days and it finally wasn't ridulously hot. So decided to take the kids to the pool and enjoy a smoke.
The sun grown version of these PDR'S from my beat the dealer winnings. So far these things are pretty good
Had a nice Mathilde lancero on the way home from the salt mine today. It were good.
I'm playing the part of Steve today - Las Mareas Olas on the golf course for league tonight
The imitation must have either fooled or appeased the golf gods as I shot a Steve-like 2 under :thumb:
San Lotano Oval Maduro
E.P. Carillo Dark Rituals
First of the day. H.R. Sublime...6.5x54. Enjoyed along with two cups of hot coffee, flavourful large cigar,three hours and seventeen minutes burn time, yup a good smoke.
My first, courtesy of @Cardinal . This was really good.
What was left of my Oliva Flor de Oliva Lonsdale after brewing up an oatmeal pale ale and watering the grass.