Las Calaveras LC46
From @tjhemp . Thanks again, Tracey.
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Las Calaveras LC46
From @tjhemp . Thanks again, Tracey.
LaZona Diet Sarsparilla
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Well, let's see.... lots of smoke today
Tatuaje Face redux for golf with @josh lucky 13 this morning - smoked fantastic and lasted about 12 holes ! Thanks Josh
Killer Bee because that Monster was so small and there was still holes left to play
Regius Black while out for a walk with the Missus. I blame this on @AlanS - he called me and said "get out of the chair and do something" or something like that LOL
and tonight Micallef Black robusto Make another note @SoCal gunner - this is really good. The Cigar Authority made the toro their Cigar of the Year so now I gotta try a toro
Chubby Unicorn
For Saka Saturday, sponsored by @AlanS . Thanks again, Alan. She's pretty tasty.
Sunday Afternoon.
My Father La Promesa Corona Gorda 5.5x48Tried to post this smoke last Night, but couldn't find the image.
Hadn't gotten any sleep over a couple of Days. That caught up with Me and after a few minutes of searching, realized I was too beat/tired to see the pix.
Gave up and now after Five hours sleep. Eureka here's the pix.
Like the La Promesa, good size and easy smooth smoking, with a little hint of the Don Pepin Garcia pepper/ spice.
With this posted I am going to catch some more zzzzzz G'Night folks.
Another old pix.