Got a little catching up to do - had some company over the holiday weekend that cut down my forum browsing, but right off the bat I want to wish @cheaphumidors a happy anniversary, a big Thank You to everyone that participated in the Month of Tats with special tips of the hat to @chain_gang and @Nature ,and last and definitely least, a good finger wagging at @WNYTONY for rubbing it in on the 22 Lost Angels (I'm still not going full box on the next LC).
It was nice that the 30/30 ended on a Thursday, so I could fire this up last Friday.
Picked this up at "The Cigar Box" up in the mountains and shot the shit with the owner while smoking it. The cigar didn't have much of that signature Aganorsa flavor, though it was enjoyable.
Needed this to satisfy my Aganorsa flavor craving.
CH Sunday
Because 'Merica!
Right now - Elysian Fields