Cloud Hopper
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Cloud Hopper
Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Smoking an Opus X Petit Lancero for our 43rd wedding anniversary after filling our bellies with lots of crab legs.
Hey I didn't chime in on all the ribbon talk, now did I
Congrats @Old Smokey on getting her to put up with you for such a long time
CAO Pilon corona for golf tonight
and a Warped La Hacienda First Growth for Warped Wednesday
Wednesday Evening.
La Aroma De Cuba Edicion Especial #2 Robusto 5x50.
Matt, Thanks , but I really can't do a review of a cigar, any cigar. Just don't get the nuances and or flavour changes that most smokers pick up on and can name.
Still haven't gotten around to smoking the Espinosa made Murcielago cigars, those too were made by Garcia in the past, same story as the Cubao, enjoyed the ones made by Pepin Garcia sooner or later should give the Espinosa Murcielago a try.
Ok, drifting far off rather than attempting to answer Your question about 0ther Ortega Cigars. Don't remember having smoked any other Ortega cigars. Just took a look at Ortega made cigars and found nothing that think I may have smoked.
Sorry to be so slow in replying to Your post, haven't spent much time of late reading around on the B um Will get back to doing that in a Day or two
El Rey del Mundo Robusto Larga Oscuro
Perfect draw,burn and construction
Great smoke volume. A solid medium to the nub
All around great cigar
I friggin' LOVE cigars