Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda
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Lost and Found Pepper Cream Soda
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RoMa Craft Neanderthal HS
Fairly tasty. Medium-full the first half, becoming full the second half
Perfect draw and construction
Burn was off the entire time regardless of correction attempts until I gave up trying
A little strong for my liking in the second half, and the flavor profile just didn't really do it for me
Apparently forgot to take a picture, sorry
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An entrance to the New Year
Happy New Year!
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Saturday Afternoon 01 January.
My Father The Judge Box Pressed Toro 6x52
Byron Elegantes
Edit: Wow, this thing is great!
Sitting inside on this cold (14f) night enjoying a Casa Fuente Cameroon Robusto. Barely into it, but loving it so far.
Bob, was the lancero the 1932 Signature? I had 4-5 of the 1932 Signature Torpedo about 10 years ago and they were exceptional cigars. Truly in the Top 3 of all cigars I have smoked. I got into cigars by trading a college professor in CA who had quit smoking cigars a few years earlier all of his cigars for a 70's stereo receiver. I got 130 cigars and all of his cigar accessories along with his humidor for something I bought for $20 at a yard sale. The 1932 Signatures were part of the trade. He said all of the cigars were 3-8 years old. I still have a Cohiba lancero and a Behike 52 from that trade. I plan on smoking them when I believe they are 20 years old. If I'm not here, one of my sons said he will enjoy them for me. Smart ass kid! :):):)
I will also say that the receiver was a highly sought after monster Sansui that would bring well over $1000 today on eBay and it was pristine and worked perfectly. We were both happy.
Well, I saw they made it cigar of the year so I had to spark up the one you sent me @SoCal gunner
Great cigar, can see why they picked it. Have to smoke the rest of the pack to see if it would have been my choice
All Saints St. Francis Toro