Unfortunately I do work there....only 18 rounds this year ....lowest total in a long time usually have that amount through May... .lol
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Round 3 with thanks ....
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Cold as well diggers butt, but I'm still out for a walk today. And a cigar too.
An early Christmas gift from a friend.
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Oliva Serie V Reserva Limitada Melanio Maduro... Uncertain as to size of this cigar, at a guess a Robusto, really flavourful smoke thoroughly enjoyed on a day that is taking a practice swing for the real cold that's coming.
Thanks Steve @Old Smokey , for sending me this one.
Is this the cigar you are referring to?
Brohiba tonight. This is from my latest batch, which had a lot of experiments in it, including this one which is a "Kentucky Puro," all contents of which coming from a grower in KY. Filler is Silver River, One Sucker (a dark air variety), and another leaf that the grower calls Dark Air, which is very similar to One Sucker, but packs a vitamin N wallop. Binder is One Sucker, ideal for the task as it has a good flavor and is strong and somewhat leathery. Wrapper is CT Broadleaf.
Flavor was pretty rough at first, with notes of hardwood and pizza box, but it has smoothed out nicely with just a little pepper. Still, I don't think I'll be including Silver River in my cigars henceforth. Burn is pretty straight and steady. Although it's a small robusto, I've been at it for about 45 minutes and it's still less than half gone. And the nic hit has me growing fangs and claws :)
Supposed to meet a friend downtown, and he is unexpectedly late.
Luckily I came prepared just in case and I get to have a 1926 at Kells in a nice warm basement.
Attachment 4448
Try here Jeremy
El Primer Mundo La Hermandad - Cigars International
Matilde Renacer Corona...5.5x44 First cigar of the day and shes right fine.
Putting down the pipe today so that I can light up a cigar and mourn Congress' craptastic avoidance of single-handedly saving the cigar industry. They just needed to approve ONE RIDER last night and the entire FDA fight would be finished, but nooooooooooope.
If this is the industry's last gasp, I'm going out in style: '09 Opus Double Corona
Graycliff yellow label with Casa Noble Blanco. Not bad but would prefer coffee with this cigar next time.
Took two days off to chill out and take advantage of some rare warm December weather, kicking today off with a Destino al Siglo Amistad and a Espresso Doubleshot from Starbucks. Usually not a huge Starbucks fan but these are good and I've never found a cigar it isn't good with.
Round 2 is a Room 101 Johnny Tobbaconaut Ranflactic with another Doubleshot. I love the logo for these.
For those who haven't seen the logo:
First one I had was great. This one doesn't seem to want to stay lit, multiple wrapper patches and green spots. A little disappointed to be honest. Taste is pretty good but the construction on this one is frustrating. I guess that's part of the chance you take when the cigar is wrapped in tissue and then a paper sleeve, you can't really inspect it well pre-purchase.
Happy Warped Wednesday...with thanks [emoji41]
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DPG Blue. Same ol' goodness but a little canoeing. Don't get that much from DPG.
Jericho Hill Lancero...7.5x40 Certainly deserved to be called a Lancero...bout four hands lenght it is.
Just lit couple of minutes ago...looking as if it will last awhile,if I can just slow the puffing down a notch.
Yup...this one did last a fair while.
Thank s Steve (Old Smokey) ...
for this fine cigar to smoke while I am watching the seasons change.
Pushed brewing capacity and things went well, which calls for a cigar, right? Of course!
Going through my stash I figured I should go for the longest as winter is upon us which brought up this honker of a stogie sent from @DogRockets , an Undercrown.
I almost feel take advantage of this is so good! Checking it out it states it's a M-Full Maduro, and maybe I'm not quite the wuss I was, but this thing is awesome! This thang is smoooooth!
Thanks Jeremy!
Window shopping walking and enjoying a cigar!
Round 2 for warped Wednesday [emoji41]
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Yes they do certainly improve in both flavor and burn when allowed to rest. 6 months or more seems best. However, between bombs, trades, mooches, and my own impatience, they rarely live that long.
I haven't rolled much lately, too many other demands on my time. Perhaps after the new year things will settle down.
These get a love it or hate it opinion on the facebook group I'm on but so far, other than a pretty tight draw, it's a great tasting cigar.
2013 Nica Libre Potencia Belicoso with sake on a cool and drizzly night (sleeting).
Nice stick, well made and it's much better with the age, very smooth.
Trying the CAO Pilon for the first time - a corona.
Pretty good smoke for being so inexpensive
Flor Del Valle Las Brumas...4.5x48 Last of the Night or first of the Morning, coffee is so good this second cup will likely lead to another.