Chris. This is what I use, seems pretty easy and fast. Might be worth checking out.
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Chris. This is what I use, seems pretty easy and fast. Might be worth checking out.
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Thursday Morning.
Thursday Afternoon Sumatra.
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Really looking forward to this after a Crazy Day at work!!
Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
EP Carrillo Encore Celestial
Extremely tasty and a nice size for an hour long smoke
Perfect draw and construction.
Burn was stubbornly off the first half, but did straighten itself out in the second half.
All around great cigar
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
Privada no.1?
If so, just got one in my secret Santa bomb from another forum. Have been wanting to try one for a while as its one of the few Fuentes I have never tried yet, and AF is my favorite nc marca, so i have smoked nearly everything else in their catalogue.
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
Agreed. That's a bummer.
My family all still lives in Michigan, so we are making do with a Zoom video call on Christmas together like we did for Thanksgiving.
Its very nice to get to physically see everyone instead of just texts, phone calls and pictures, since I haven't been to Michigan since my Fathers funeral about 15 years ago. My neices were very young last i saw them. Now one is 16, and the other just started college.
Amazing how time slips by.
They are planning to come visit me in Wyoming in the spring or summer next year which will be nice.
Definitely lots of unique things to see and do here that you can't experience in Michigan, so should be nice
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