A little Tuesday Night Football!! Thank you @cheaphumidors !!
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A little Tuesday Night Football!! Thank you @cheaphumidors !!
Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
Crowned Heads La Imperriosa Corona Gorda
Extremely tasty. Just as good as the last one I had.
Perfect draw and construction.
Burn was stubbornly off most of the way inspite of correction attempts, but did straighten out in a little above the last 3rd.
Not really a big deal to me anyway as long as there's no tunneling.
Good size too. Exactly 1 hr smoke timehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...95d4abdfd2.jpg
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
Lianos Dos Palmas Maduro
Tatuaje Negociant Monopole Short Churchill
AF Casa Cuba Doble Cincos
Extremely tasty,* firm bunch but still a little squishy.* Very solid ash that hung on a good couple inches. Draw was perfect.
Unfortunately,* that's the extent of good things I can say.
Burn was badly uneven the entire time regardless of correction attempts.* Had a single bit of tunneling which didn't help any. Coal was a good inch long or so the entire time,* which tells me that it wasn't burning properly.
After the halfway point the smoke steadily got hotter,* and it began having poor smoke volume and acted like it wanted to go out, as it required several puffs to get any smoke.
Honestly,* don't believe any of this was a manufacturing/construction issue.
I just received them 7 days ago,* so I'm guessing that they are a little too humidified.
Being a bit moist pretty well explains all of the problems.
So, going to let them sit and acclimate for a month or so before trying again.
Sorry for no picture, upload keeps failing.
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
DE Liga Privada T52 Robusto
Extremely tasty and a great size
Perfect draw,burn and construction
Smoked flawlessly and lots of tasty smoke volume
Will definitely get more in the future https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/202...74907f4353.jpg
Sent from my SM-T820 using Tapatalk
A Cloud Hopper for this chilly Wednesday afternoon
Again, Imgur won’t load my pic, I’ll ret again shortly.
Well at least it didn’t take long this time
Warped Wednesday Futuro from Santa @chain_gang . Thanks Matthew! It’s been a while since I’ve had a Futuro. My supplier stopped offering them in 5 packs and my local lounge doesn’t carry them
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Someone from the office, who I sit across from every morning in the production meeting just tested positive for Covid. Waiting on my at home test to process. This may turn out to be a very sad and lonely Christmas!
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