Thanks everyone,
Well we were going to celebrate. She was bringing home a celebration dinner after getting off early from work for a nice relaxing 4 day weekend. However......
We live on a very low traffic hwy number 25, you turn on it and we are right there on the corner lot, to the hwy. She was stopped waiting to turn, in fact I saw her through the front windows. She was stopped fully, and waiting on a 18 wheeler to go by. When a guy in a dual cab pickup rams right into the back of her.
Thank God, she was not hurt at all. He did a good bit of damage to the front end of his truck, and clipped the driver side, back end. It wasn’t drivable, but cam and will be fixed. Until then we have a rental, which she just got. It’s was obviously his fault, and he even told the trooper, he looked down and when he looked up he realized he messed up. He also wasn’t hurt, thankfully.
That in and of itself, made for a very non celebratory mood. However....
Not even 2 months ago, a woman pulled running a light, and caused a much worse accident. My wife was badly bruised, but again, thank God. It could have been much much worse, so we had just got a brand new car for her a month ago. Since my disabilities make me unable to drive, we only have one. So it was her brand new car that was hit yesterday.
Needless to say she’s shaken up, physically she’s fine, but a bit unnerved about driving. So that was our day, I hope you all had a MUCH better one!
Went with a Casa for this Friday, I needed one