Happy Birthday Tim!
Glad you enjoyed it. I think you still have a few special occasion ones yet to go still. Hopefully they are all as good or better.
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San Cristobal Elegancia Corona...5.5x46. A favourite size cigar on a fairly warm afternoon, and that was ninety six minutes well spent, enjoyed with a bit of Rum & Coke. Thanks WNYTONY for this thoroughly excellent cigar.
Awesome smoke
Thanks to @jp1979
Yes, they're actually extruded in Rochester, NY, but Mrs. Bruck, who's from Buffalo, grew up on them. Her family, who lives in Detroit area now, has to grab some whenever they're back in western NY, but we get them locally in NoVA from Wegman's, an upscale grocery store/deli.
Warped Flor Del Valle Las Brumas...4.5x48. Smoking break on front porch bit of peaceful time in the dark, close to a solid hour from this cigar, now tempted to repeat the process since there's not much light pollution on this non windy night, nice watching the stars at this quiet time.
Panacea Corojo 560 from Flatbed Cigar Co. This came in a 5er that were sold as seconds. Can't find a thing wrong with them. Smoke great and taste great.
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