Spicy little mid afternoon short smoke. PA Broadleaf Quick Draw. First taste of the Southern Draw brand.
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Spicy little mid afternoon short smoke. PA Broadleaf Quick Draw. First taste of the Southern Draw brand.
Last night it was a Caldwell Funfetti with my homemade honey wheat:
And this morning’s breakfast:
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So what did you think of it? It pairs well with hoppy beers somehow so if you enjoy those give it a try!
It was.. middle of the road? Wasn't bad, wasn't anything super. Not bad flavors, but nothing that stood out as something I'd have to keep on hand. I bought it through a BM store here, so it was $6. I think, given the choice, I'd go with something else for the price point if there were choices offered. I also have a Habano version, and will give it a try soon to see if it works better for me. I'm still interested in trying across the full line SD offers, as I'm sure something will stand out.
This was my first SD cigar. Definitely interested in trying the Rose, as it's the one I've seen most people talk about favorably for the most part. I will have to visit the store again soon and see what they have. I don't recalling seeing Rose there, but believe they may have had the JL and Kudzu in some size. I just grabbed the two Quick Draws for a small sampling.
A Don Carlos that I can’t get to upload for some reason.
Have a good weekend!
Well, I'm going to try to score some fish this weekend at Grand Lake. If the crappie are crappy, we're going to try some Blue Catfish fishing. Dad is hopefully getting over a dose of Pneumonia. I don't think he can handle the Coronavirus crap as he's 84, and now with damaged lungs he has to be careful.
Friday the 13th.Esteban Carreras Habano Aged 13 Years. The best of these cigars I've smoked easy light, very nice on the retrohale. Maybe the day's warmer temp played a part, a good long burning, never harsh smoke.