Late,late Night. My Father Le Bijou 1922 Petite Robusto.
One of these.
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Late,late Night. My Father Le Bijou 1922 Petite Robusto.
One of these.
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Saturday Morning smoke
Lunch brake
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The retro on this stick is like smoked ketchup or bbq sauce. So weird, but very nice.
Pre-evening Kick Off!!!
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I went cheap an Alec Bradley scr I got as a prize at an event years ago.
Decent day above freezing, I liked the last arch I had so giving this a shot.
Cremating the last of an original. One of my absolute favorites from back then.. From the first limited production before they rereleased. El Centurion. Have yet to have the new release. I hope it is the same.. Need to get me some to try.
All of the flavors are subtle but each distinctly present. Cold draw prelight has a nice sweet aroma. Faint honey and hay. The cigar lit nicely and is burning even. Foot constantly producing lots of smoke even long between puffs. Leather and an oaky wood flavor dance together. There is always that nice subtle spice with just a hint of semi sweetness on the lips. The draw is very loose but its perfect for this cigar. Allows for a ton of creamy white smoke with hardly no effort. This, fot me is one of the cigars all others are compared to in terms of how the flavors combine and play off of eaxh other. Everything is there, but nothing is over powering.
Dang, wish I had a box or ten of these left.
Alec Bradley Lost Art Torpedo. Took a picture on my iPad but too lazy to get up and get it.
Spent all day splitting wood with the BIL.