What did you smoke today (NC) II
Bit of a celebration today. We quickly felt the walls closing in on us at our current home. We’d like to add a little tike to the family soon and we just can’t happily do that here, even though we love it. We got a great deal on a 1915 arts and crafts house that directly borders a giant park. It’s actually right down the street from us in the part of town we love. They just accepted our offer and we’re ecstatic. It’s definetely a fixer upper, but it’s nice and clean and livable and we will just make the updates as we can. Padron 1964 it is. Can’t remember who sent this along but thank you.
Also, for those who don’t frequent other parts of the site, we’re doing a Super Bowl squares raffle. You need not know anything about the game of football to play and it makes it a little more interesting if you’re just a casual fan. There’s a thread going now. Check it out!
Sent from the back porch.