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  1. #18961
    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

  2. #18962
    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Decided to try the Maduro since I ordered a tin of the cigarillos. At first it was a bit harsh but rounded out and mellowed fairly quickly. However it refuses to stay lit and it’s been kept at 65% for 2 months or so.

    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

  3. #18963
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Wednesday Night, late. Esteban Carreras Mr. Brownstone Chuchy. Long burning Habano that needed Zero touching up or relighting.
    Good as it was, I'm looking forewards to a little more variety. Expecting a small order in any time now.

  4. #18964
    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanS View Post
    How do you like it? I just passed on a box

    Quote Originally Posted by WNYTONY View Post
    Yeah, what's the poop TJ ? I pulled a @Brimy and sent it on before I've even had one myself but I hear great things..... what say you ?
    First, let me tell you all how much I appreciated receiving this cigar. I had an order canceled from over selling and Mrs. Gunner stopped in a shop that had them, but was sent home with a wise man maduro because they sold out.

    Ever since I laid eyes on this cigar, I was in love. Foundation makes (imo) great cigars. The beautiful San Andres maduro wrapper. A light box press with that pigtail. And that band - one of the coolest ever!

    Tony is kind enough to send me one before HE has even tried one!

    And guess what? I didn't like it. I hope I don't sound like an ungrateful a-hole. But I know I would rather hear the truth from you guys, so I hope you see it the same way.

    The taste of this cigar was a musty/ashy flavor. Not barnyard, but wet, campfire ash. The taste just stuck to my mouth.

    I HAVE to think that something was off with this single stick. I'd still try another and hope Tony has one soon so we hear his thoughts.

    Hope I didnt offend.


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  6. #18965
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal gunner View Post
    And guess what? I didn't like it. I hope I don't sound like an ungrateful a-hole. But I know I would rather hear the truth from you guys, so I hope you see it the same way.

    The taste of this cigar was a musty/ashy flavor. Not barnyard, but wet, campfire ash. The taste just stuck to my mouth.
    Nothing better than getting a free single of a seemingly intriguing cigar that you find you don't like.
    Saves you the mistake of buying a 5 pack ...or worse
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  7. #18966
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal gunner View Post
    First, let me tell you all how much I appreciated receiving this cigar. I had an order canceled from over selling and Mrs. Gunner stopped in a shop that had them, but was sent home with a wise man maduro because they sold out.

    Ever since I laid eyes on this cigar, I was in love. Foundation makes (imo) great cigars. The beautiful San Andres maduro wrapper. A light box press with that pigtail. And that band - one of the coolest ever!

    Tony is kind enough to send me one before HE has even tried one!

    And guess what? I didn't like it. I hope I don't sound like an ungrateful a-hole. But I know I would rather hear the truth from you guys, so I hope you see it the same way.

    The taste of this cigar was a musty/ashy flavor. Not barnyard, but wet, campfire ash. The taste just stuck to my mouth.

    I HAVE to think that something was off with this single stick. I'd still try another and hope Tony has one soon so we hear his thoughts.

    Hope I didnt offend.

    Yes, definitely would rather hear your thoughts on it. I bought it at the shop and sent it right out and I only grabbed the one but now I'm definitely going to have to go grab one to try myself. (Lol - here, tell me if this milk is bad) I like their sticks as well and figured that would be no different.

    So now I owe you a replacement stick as well as @Regiampiero ! He had that similar camp fire note but that Fausto wasn't bought at that shop and was in my wino for months, which this one never went in. Maybe I need to stop having a camp fire in my office while packing up sticks !!

    I'm headed to Kentucky this weekend so no where to smoke and I'm not standing out in the cold (I'm spoiled being able to smoke inside) so nada for me today
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

  8. #18967
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by allusred View Post
    Small package...In the past that would've been Villiger...back when they were Cuban.I think they were No.7s.Haven't smoked any small pack Villigers recently. But if you like the dry cigars they might be worth a try. There was a non Cuban Magicos that was quite nice, not a long cigar, and I cant recall the ring gauge...more importantly cannot remember the brand name...NYTONY...surely would know that Heck TONY is the man with the real skinny on the short smokes. My fav non cubn short cigar was the San Cristobal Del Sol by Pepin Garcia, but they are long gone now. A Fuente Hemingway Short Story...good but too $$ for me. There are a few Cubans, Vegueros. Quinteros and the Romeo y Julieta En Cedros , H. Upmann. That might fit the bill. However not all available in small pkgs.
    Sorry, not a helluva lot of help here. Maybe if I luck out and can more than a single brain cell to light up might come up with a better answer.
    Magicos is a Crowned Heads La Imperiosa smaller size Bob
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

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    Out in the garage, awaiting the forecasted winter storm/freezing rain. Kids already have school canceled for tomorrow. Wishing I could have a work “Snowday”.

    La Palina Black Label

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #18969
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYTONY View Post
    Yes, definitely would rather hear your thoughts on it. I bought it at the shop and sent it right out and I only grabbed the one but now I'm definitely going to have to go grab one to try myself. (Lol - here, tell me if this milk is bad) I like their sticks as well and figured that would be no different.

    So now I owe you a replacement stick as well as @Regiampiero ! He had that similar camp fire note but that Fausto wasn't bought at that shop and was in my wino for months, which this one never went in. Maybe I need to stop having a camp fire in my office while packing up sticks !!

    I'm headed to Kentucky this weekend so no where to smoke and I'm not standing out in the cold (I'm spoiled being able to smoke inside) so nada for me today
    Would bet You will make up for that miss quickly.

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  13. #18970
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYTONY View Post
    Magicos is a Crowned Heads La Imperiosa smaller size Bob
    Thanks Tony, was sure you'd know.

  14. Likes WNYTONY, AlanS, rodwha, jhedrick83, Brimy liked this post

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