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Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Fired this bad boy up!
Don't recall if this is one of my buried smokes or if gifted to me, I'll have to check!
Not even a 1/3rd in and getting some nice flavor! Let's see what the rest of it holds in store for me.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...886e35d9df.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...a36e5069b9.jpg
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
TGIF ya Bums !
Friday Night. While walking on the boardwalk. Esteban Carreras Mr. Brownstone Chuchy...7x49.
An easy to like smoke, can't really ask for much more than that.
I swear, drew estate is starting to piss me off with all the foot smoke. It's outrageous, can't even breath. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...edcf220df0.jpg
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Man o war damnation from Tombstone. Its 61 and rainy today went and hid in the shed and lit this up. Really enjoying this one
Round two. Found this gem hiding in corner.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...89a106da78.jpg
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Happy Saturday! Anyone watching some college ball?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...4dfc15d58a.jpg
Had to come back and post the pig in action after reading that - lol