Have been alternating between Alhambra Coronas and the Tabacalera Sumatra Coronas for weeks now. Know Smokin’ Monkey is afraid of water, but thinking He may have a distant relative living here about, Boxes hold twenty five cigars each, but no way I’m smoking so many this fast. Someone or some thing is raiding my stash.
Some of the Women are off to a Luncheon wITH Imelda today.
Expecting DU30 , Manny Paquaio here later Today or on Sunday.
Snipers not yet in place but all angles will be covered.
Total Survailance twice every 24 hours once in Daylight & once at Night.
Seeing lots of Foreigners of late.
Been ready for Trick or Treat (on 27th) for about
Five Days now.