Love those!
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Last Night's Selections
Crowned Heads Luminosa. I wasn't too fond of these when I first tried them, a bit too mild for my taste, but after 2 years in the humidor I was pleasantly surprised.
Tatuaje Havana VI
I知 hiding in the garage again. Shhhhh! Karmen thinks I知 smoking too much. I知 thinking she fears this will turn out like cigarettes were for me (2+ packs a day and an @ss when I tried to quit). AB American Classic amen French Roast:
I sure don稚 miss the need for a cigarette, especially in the winter while driving! I suppose the same can be said for summertimes here in Texas which last about 6 months...
*EDIT #2*
Apparently I need one of those small 4 cup Mr Coffee pots for the garage. She caught me coming back in for a refill and knows damn well what I知 doing if I知 drinking coffee outside! At least she痴 on a business call for a good while longer so I can enjoy the rest of my smoke!
Didn't have time to fully enjoy a Skinny Monster on Tuesday, so went with a Crux Epicure.
Been smoking the JR Ultimates that are 5 years old,,,,dark wrapper and loving them. Complex and balanced like a surgeon doing a breast enlargement.
Started the day with an Alma Fuerte.
Now lighting up an El Centurion original release.
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