These are gold.
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These are gold.
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Todays offering..
Actually had 2 today.
Had a Roma Craft Cromagnon at my B&M.
Then later had a Padron 3000 at home with my nephews (who were smoking Padron 1964s, courtesy of me). We were having a baby shower for their ladies since both are expecting and I gave them something a little nicer. It was a great time.
I've smoked the non-green ones they've sent in the Care Package and they are pretty good but wasn't about to tackle that big green hulk !
@barry2guys is a good dude and he hooks me up with my Tat TAA and Angel's Anvil every year, but he hasn't been around in a while.
I was just watching one of the podcasts and he drank a raw egg without adding any alcohol and he didn't throw up - impressive.
Maybe if we call out @barry2guys a few times he'll show up.
Tried out something a little different today. A generous brother elsewhere sent me this stick from Ezra Zion that is called a naked roll - it had no wrapper leaf. It looked very odd and I expected it (a) to explode as I was smoking it and (b) not be a very good smoke with out the benefit of a wrapper leaf.
It was actually a very tasty smoke and it stayed together just fine all the way down to the nub. Ugly looking thing though..
Le Careme LE 2018 tonight
Don't see these posted much, but not a bad everyday smoke for the price.
Enjoyed this one Saturday afternoon
Old super bowl winnings from 2013
San bajito. eh but I didn't pay for it so no harm done
La Aurora CT. And very good!
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Well, my love for this smoke seems to have come unraveled. Ah, well.
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New to me, not bad..
1st in a few weeks!
Very nice smoke.
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